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82-4 {95} But, you see, when we are redeemed, we no more want our own choice, but we want His choice. See, see? Now, Adam and Eve wanted their own choice. They wanted to--they wanted to find out what it was to have wisdom. So they--they probed into it, and it caused death.


82-5 {97} Now, when a man's been redeemed, he don't care anymore for scholarship. He don't care for anymore of the things of the world, the wisdom of the world. He don't want no choice at all. Christ has been his choice, and that's all of it; he's redeemed. He just no more wants to lead himself. He don't want nobody to talk him into where to go and what to do. He just waits and finds out the choice of his Maker. See? Then he goes in the Name of his Maker, when the Maker tells him to go.



82-6 {99} Now, when Adam sinned by heeding his wife's reasoning, instead of holding to God's Word, that's what made Adam sin. His--his wife reasoned with Satan, and then produced the product to Adam, and Adam turned loose the Word and sold out. He lost also his inheritance when he lost his fellowship and right to Life. Remember, "The day you eat thereof, that day you die."

And when he lost his Life, he also lost his inheritance in life, because he had completely supreme control of the earth. He was a god of the earth. God's the God of the universe, everywhere. But His son had this earth under his own control. He could speak; he could name; he could say; he could stop nature; he could do anything he wanted to. See? But when he did that, he lost his inheritance.

Now, Adam could say, "Let this mountain here be moved over there," and it would do it. Adam could say, "Let this tree here, be plucked up and planted over here"; it would do it (See?), for he had complete, supreme control, as a minor god under God our Father, because he was a son of God.


83-3 {102} Now, couldn't we stop here just a minute and get our real sermon. See? Oh, then if the Blood has cleansed it back, what about now? See? Look what that Son of God, the second Adam did (See?), and said, "The works that I do, shall you also."

See, Adam lost his inheritance: the earth. Now, it passed from his hand to the one he sold out to: Satan. He sold his faith in God to Satan's reasonings. Therefore, his Eternal Life, his right to the Tree of Life, his right to the earth belonged to him, and he forfeited it every bit to the hands of Satan. He passed it from his hand to Satan.

Therefore, now it has been... It returned and has been polluted, and the seed of Adam has destroyed the inheritance that Adam should've had; that's the earth. That's right. See? The seed of Adam...


86-4 {117} Waiting for redemption claims... Its redemption... What is this Book of Redemption, this title deed, abstract title deed? You say, "Abstract?" What does an "abstract" mean? Means "it's searched all the way back to its beginning." Like that little--like that little drop of ink this morning, when it struck that bleach, it went all the way back. And when sin has been confessed and fallen into the Blood of Jesus Christ, oh, my, it gives an abstract right straight back to the Creator again, and you become a son of God. Abstract title deed is held in the hand of the Almighty. Oh, my.


86-5 {119} Its redemption means all legal possession to all that was lost by Adam and Eve... Oh, my, what ought that to do to a borned again Christian. Its legal possession to the abstract deed, title deed of Eternal Life means that you possess everything that Adam and Eve lost. Whew. What of it, brethren? The possession of that deed...


87-3 {123} God's law required a innocent substitute, and who was innocent? Every man had been born sexual, after sex: every one. And the only one that wasn't, had forfeited the rights to Eternal Life and to be king on the earth. Oh, when I think of that Scripture, "For Thou has redeemed us back to God, and we may reign and be kings and priests upon the earth." Oh, my, what... The Kinsman Redeemer... Oh, what a story we would have here.

Notice, law required a Kinsman Redeemer to redeem a lost substance. Grace met this requirement in the Person of Jesus Christ. A Kinsman must be born of the human race.


103-1 {239} God's laws required... He's the One that holds it. God's law required a Kinsman Redeemer, and the Lamb come out boldly. "I am their Kinsman. I am their Redeemer. I now have made intercession for them, and now I've come to claim their rights for them." Amen. Amen. "I've come to claim their rights. In that they have a right to everything that lost in the fall, and I've paid the price." Oh, brother. Whew. Don't it make you feel religious?

Not by good works which we have done, but by His mercy. Oh, wait a minute. And them elders and everything else begin to throw off crowns, and dignitaries begin to get on the ground. See?


108-1 God is taking the elect out of that Pentecostal church (that hybrid), pulling it out, and finishing up the Word. And it's got to be so close until the Word Itself will blend with this Word. There comes the Headstone, crying, "Grace, grace, amazing grace." The Headstone, here you are like this (See?), on there. [Brother Branham illustrates--Ed.] See, how it way wide down here? And it keeps getting closer, closer, closer (the ministry), after while here come... Here's Luther: justification, justified. Here come Wesley: sanctified bunch. Here come Pentecostal: restoration of the gifts.

Now, God's taking from there, honing out a bunch to make a ministry just exactly like that Word there, because it's got to fit with the Word. There's the Bride; take Her up.


E-120 Some fell asleep in one watch, some in the next watch, and some on down to the seventh watch. That's the seven church ages. But when the Bridegroom come they woke (Amen), come out from--from among the dead, and rose in the resurrection. We're living in the last days.

You say, "What did you say? Luther, Wesley: justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost?" Yes. And then the headstone. Is that right? The headstone was in the pyramid.

Let's take the ark. Let's take... Here's one. Let's get away from that part, come back here. Let's take the ark: one floor, two floors, three floors. Is that right? Where did the light come from? Where was the window? Upstairs on the third floor. That's where the power of God will come to a church. A sun (s-u-n) shined through there, but the S-o-n will come in this way to the church that God's honing out and getting ready, bringing in a ministry to the church just exactly like what the palmerworm, and--and the locust, and the caterpillar eat up back there.


E-121 This stump's growed from Wesley through--from Luther, to Wesley, to Pentecost; and now is honing out those Pentecostals, and those that's got the baptism of the Holy Ghost. And shall come someday the headstone, Christ Jesus, in these last days... And we'll have to have a ministry just exactly like His--His whole Spirit as it gets closer, closer, closer, closer. The negative becomes so positive that after while the negative and positive blends together, Church and Christ to make one: for we're flesh of His flesh and bone of His bone. Amen. You believe it? "It shall be Light in the evening time." Amen. We're here today. You believe it?


628-172 But a man that's willing to understand, that's willing to set down ("And come let us reason together," saith the Lord) now, that man is--is on the line of learning something from the Lord. But people who always are associated with God and God's power... You can hardly be associated with God without being associated with His power, because when you're associated with Him you are acquainted to Him, or a relative to Him, and then you have His power in you.

That's the reason that people cannot believe in miracles today, because they don't have anything in them to believe with. They've got to have something in there to believe with. And when the Spirit of God is in a man, he will say "amen" to every Word of God and every miracle of God. But as my mother used to say, "You can't get blood from a turnip, because there's no blood in it." So that's the same way; you can't get belief out of unbeliever, because there's nothing there to believe with.


109-3 Now, the body carries (the works carries) on the works and does the works that the Head commands it to do. Tell me where He ever said, "organize." Tell me where the Head (all--all) says it's all right for woman to cut their hair. Huh. Mention it; it's not there. Tell me where the Head ever said, "These works I do, but you shall not do them." Tell me that. But the Head said this (if you want to put the Scripture down, I'll give it to you: John 14:12), "The works that I do, shall you also." That's His body. See?

See now, why I have been so zealous of the kind of seed that I have planted for the body? The rain's going to fall pretty soon; I mean the real rain. And it's got to have Seed to fall on. I hope I live to see it. Do you understand now? It will be the living Word as it was at the beginning, the spoken Word of God, have His power; for it is in Him in His own body, working His own way. Look to the promises that God gave this body.


109-5 Now, we're coming to something. We're coming to Mount Zion now. Let's look what He said to this Body--I mean virgin born. [Brother Branham knocks--Ed.] Now, we see the--we see the impersonations of it. We see it every day. But let's come to the real body, see what He said about this. Let's look. All right, here's what He promised.

Do you believe that John 3:16 is right? I've just got to read this. That's all there is to it. All right. You... I may... Everybody that believes John 3:16: "God so love the world He give His only begotten Son," and so forth, say, amen. [Congregation replies: "Amen."--Ed.] I dare you to believe the rest of it. I'm talking about the body now.


109-7 Let's take John 20 to start with. All right, take John the 20th chapter and let's see: John the 20th chapter and we're going to begin at the, oh, I'd say about the 19th verse. Saint John 20 (I believe that's what I got marked down here) and beginning with the 19th verse... Now, listen close.

I challenge you to believe it. Oh, I--I just feel good. Oh, if I could just... I--I wish I could just see the Holy Spirit just huddle over here like that; say, "Now, it's Me." Listen.

... the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled... doors were shut where the disciples were assembled... for the fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and said unto them, Peace be unto you.

And when he had said... And when he had so said, he shewed unto them his hands and his side.

(And when his disciples... Let's see.)... his side... (and when)... Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord.

Then said Jesus unto them... Peace be unto you... (Oh, are you ready?)... as my Father hath sent me,... (He's the Word, the Seed, Word Seed)... so send I you. (You believe it? Don't stop; there's more of it.)

And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost:

Who soever sins you remit, to them they are remitted unto them; and who soever sins you retain, they are retained.


110-2 Is that the Truth? Who'd He say that to? The Seed, the Word. Why? They could only be borned by the--by the Word. That's the reason. You believe that? Let's take Matthew 16 now just a minute. Matthew 16:19: let's read this just a minute. All right:

And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shall bind on the earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shall loose on the earth shall be loosed in heaven.

I challenge you to believe it. And if that ain't the Word, John 3:16 ain't the Word. Why should you take some and not take the other? All the Word of God is right, but it's got to come into a virgin womb where nothing but the Seed lays there. You believe it? All right, Now, watch this real close.

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