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  172    Could you imagine the wise men coming to see Jesus? I'll just take a little drama for a minute. I can see... They say three wise men. We'll just say there was three. Jim, John, and George, we'd say their names was. And they're coming to see Jesus. And I can see them all getting ready to go. We'll take this fellow Jim. He's quite a man. He runs and tells his wife, said, "Wife, you know what? I seen the star, so I've got to go." And so he goes over and he packs up to go.
That's what's the matter with people today. They're trying to pack up to be a Christian. If there's anything you need, is unpack to be a Christian: got too many things hanging on now.
One of them say, "Now, mother, you know, I couldn't go along unless I took my card table," so he hangs that on the camel. "Because, you know, the other boys wouldn't appreciate me going along if I didn't have my card table along."
All these other little old things that keeps you... And you have a little box of selfishness; you have to hang that on too. You have to hang on a little tattling, a little backbiting, a little of this, that, hang it on the camel. And the first thing you know, he jumps up, astraddle the old camel, say, "Come on now. Let's go." The old camel can't hardly move. He's mashed down so hard till he is bowlegged almost.
And you're always kicking and complaining about your church you are going to, and maybe it's you've got so loaded up till it can't run. That's what's the matter. You need to unload, wash up, clean up, get right. Amen. What's the matter with me? 

POSITION.OF.A.BELIEVER.IN.CHRIST_  PHOENIX.AZ  SUNDAY_  55-0227A,  E-55    But now, the Holy Spirit that come out of the body of Christ, not the animals, out of the body of Christ, the Son of God, that Holy Spirit come back on the Church. And there's one time, by one offering, by one time, perfected forever those that come to Him and been received by the Holy Spirit.
Ephesians 4:30, quote it for the sake of time: "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God (by your backbiting, by your carrying on, indifference...?... you, by your unbelief)... Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed to the day of your redemption."

  97    Like a little baby. I notice when a little baby back there, his mother tried to put his little jacket on him this morning. He wanted to get his little arm in the sleeve. He couldn't put his arm in there. He don't know how. You've got to guide his little arm. He wants to get his arm in there but he's just beating all around it. He never gets to the sleeve. He knows he's not in the sleeve.
And so do you know that you're not right with God when you're still backbiting, lying, and doing everything. You can't be right with God. I don't care how many churches you belong to, until your soul becomes converted. Brother, that's old fashion, but that'll boil down and put soup in your soul. That's right.
ARROW.OF.GOD'S.DELIVERANCE_  SHREVEPORT.LA  FRIDAY_  56-0801,  E-38    The baptism of the Holy Ghost in the last days has come to the Gentiles in the western countries. And God shot the Arrow of deliverance to us, and we have just about struck it long enough to make ourself, "Oh, I'm Assembly. Hallelujah." "I belong to the Church of God. Glory to God. Hallelujah." That don't do you a bit of good. Right.
Brother, it's not an organization that God said strike with. It's given to each individual to strike against the powers of the Devil, for it's sickness, sin,
filthiness, backbiting, cussing, oh, my, worldliness. Amen.
But we strike short. Oh, we go over to the church, and we join the church, and we think that's all right. That's not all right. Brother, don't strike short of nothing of God's blessings. The Bible said, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Strike it. Amen. Don't be afraid; God said so. "I'm the Lord that healeth thee." Strike it. God said so. It's the Arrow of deliverance. It's brought into the Church tonight.
CHURCH.AND.ITS.CONDITION_  JEFF.IN  CH 1-34  SUNDAY_  56-0805,  68    But when you come to one of those things, no matter whether the preacher hits it in the pulpit or not, when you see those carnal things of the world, as long as you tolerate with them, you're away from God, and the Holy Spirit will stay away. That's the reason the meetings are not like they used to be. That's the reason the sawdust trail isn't born this morning in the Tabernacle. That's the reason the--the great tent meetings are not around the country, is because we have grieved away the gentle Dove of God. That's right. He won't stay with us as long as we're so indifferent, as long as we're backbiting, "We want our way."
CHURCH.AND.ITS.CONDITION_  JEFF.IN  CH 1-34  SUNDAY_  56-0805,  90    That's the reason that all this here snarling, and fussing, and backbiting, and--and biting back, and carrying on around the church, that's what breaks up the church. That shows that the Devil got into you, and that shows the Holy Ghost left you. Now, I know that's just burning the tar out of some of you, but it ought to do it. It ought to... That's what it's said for, not to be smart, not to act cute, but to tell you where the trouble is; for someday I'm going to have stand and give an answer for you. And the very reason the way you do and the way you act, that shows what you are. If you just got an old temper that'll fly off the handle just in a little bit, and get out here and carry on, or criticize, or vulgarity and stuff like that, that shows where it's coming from.
AZUSA.JUBILEE_  LA.CA  SUNDAY_  56-0916,  E-30    My brother, sister, if we don't scratch quickly and get the seed of God into the ground, what's the harvest going to be? We've got to go forth with another old fashion pouring out of the Holy Ghost and men and women back to God again, or this country and this church, and Pentecost, and all is lost, if we don't get back to the seed and the Word of God again and an old fashion revival. Do you believe it today? Do you believe that God would pour it out?
Oh, my. I feel today, led in my soul to make this proposition with the people. I believe if every one of us in this building today will rededicate our lives to God and will... As Jacob was told by the Lord to wash up his, get his people to clean themselves up to present themselves before the Lord, I believe if we'll clean ourselves up from all of our evil thinking, from all of our selfishness, from all of our backbiting, from all of our acts of this life, and come boldly before the throne of God, I believe an old fashion revival will break out right here in Angelus Temple, that one week will never stop it. That's right. It'll just keep going. Do you believe it?
  E-36    Then if this tutor, in the Old Testament, told the father when that child was born, if he got to a place he was restless and careless, and run around, and didn't care for the father's business, he was always the son (That's true.), but he never did fall heir to the fellowship and to the--the powers of his father. But if the tutor said, "That's a good boy, and he's--he's zealous, and he's got wisdom, and he's trying to do the best that he can to keep things running good..." You follow me?
The Holy Spirit's bringing word to heaven how that you're progressing in your growth. If you go back out into the world, then God can't put much confidence in you. If you're up and down--this one say something, "Yeah, uh-huh, that's it." You're following little cliques in the church, you're fussing, fighting, gabbling, backbiting, how can the church ever go on? Now, I love you, but I've got to answer with you that day. See?
WHY.SO.HARD.TO.LIVE.CHRISTIAN.LIFE_  PHX.AZ  SUNDAY_  57-0303A,  E-57    That's it. I just got to quit preaching. I haven't even got my text good yet. Look. That's it. When the Holy Spirit moves in, the tin cans, and rats, lies, backbiting, selfishness, indifference with other Christians, all move out. And if you've still got them, it shows the Holy Spirit has never terraced out your life yet. Amen. Get rid of your rats.
The Holy Ghost takes away them differences. It makes you full of love, joy, peace. Look at the flowers blooming around. Satan just can't step his dirty foot on there, for your life is dead, and you're hid in God through Christ, and sealed by the Holy Ghost.
  82    Then when Lot was packed away, Abraham's heart went for him. And he gathered an army of his own servants and went after his brother. And a very beautiful type, they took their swords and chopped those kings down till there was not one of them left.
And that's the type of the Gospel preacher when he sees that sin has caught his church and caught the people. He takes the blessed old Gospel, the Sword of the Spirit, and he chops it and chops it until he cuts out sin from his church if he's a true servant of God. He removes all the nonsense, the tattling, the backbiting. He moves all of the things and carnal natures of the world that's creeped into the church. If he's a true servant of God he takes the Word and chops it from one side to the other until he's cut everything out.
HEBREWS.CHAPTER.5.AND.6_  JEFF.IN  HEB  SUNDAY_  57-0908M,  186-118    By the Holy Spirit baptism, we are baptized into that Body and are free from sin. God don't see you no more; He only sees Christ. And when you're in that Body, God can't judge that Body. He's already judged it. He took our judgment and invited us in. And by faith, through grace, we walk and accept our pardoning. And the Holy Spirit brings us into this fellowship with Him. And we walk no more after the things of the world, but we walk in the Spirit. Quickened, the Word came to us. He died in my stead. I'm made alive. Here I am, who was once dead in sin and trespasses, been made alive. All my desires is to serve Him. All my love is to Him. All my walks wants to be in His Name that wherever I go, whatever I do, I glorify Him. If I'm a-hunting, if I'm a-fishing, if I'm playing ball, if--if I'm... Whatever I'm doing, I must be "Christ in me" in such a life that'll make men long to be that way: not tattling, backbiting, and fussing about your churches. You get it? "By One Spirit we're baptized into that Body, 'and when I see the Blood I'll pass over you.'"
  80    Pharaoh wanted to agree, said, "Moses, you all can go, but you leave your children behind, or leave some of your cattle back here."
That's the way the Devil wants a Christian to come. "It'll be all right for you to join the church, but don't you never forgive Jones. It'll be all right if you can bring in your... if you can go... You don't have to give up your smoking, your drinking, your lying, your stealing. Your faultfinding, backbiting, you don't have to give that up. Just join the church."
But Moses wasn't a compromiser; he wanted complete deliverance. He said, "We'll not leave one hoof behind. We'll take everything that belongs to us, when we go to worship the Lord."
  23     ¶  The north wind driveth away rain: so [doth] an angry countenance a backbiting tongue.

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