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HEAR.YE.HIM_  PARKERSBURG.WV  SATURDAY_  56-1215,  E-69    They say, "Days of miracles is past. He died, rose, went into heaven; that settles it." But He didn't say that. He did ascend to the Father and return back. One man saw Him after He had returned back. You know who it was? Paul. What did He look like? A Light. Is that right? On his road to Damascus... He was a Light that even struck Paul down, blinded his eyes.
The Bible said that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Jesus said the works that He did would continue on in the church until He come again. Does the Bible say that? It does. "The works that I do shall ye also; more than this shall you do (more places); for I go unto My Father. I go to My Father and come again. I came from God (the Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel.) I came into the world (and the Son called the flesh, or the Son, the flesh called the Son) I return to God," back to the Light again, and appeared over here to Paul and down in... "Doing the same work," God in His church. "That day you'll know that I'm in the Father, the Father in Me, I in you, and you in Me." It's God in you, the hope of glory.
I.KNOW.MY.REDEEMER.LIVETH_  JEFF.IN  SUNDAY_  58-0406S,  E-19    And, oh, how that coincides this morning with the faith, the living faith of the living God in His church. There's something in our heart that speaks that there is a land beyond the river. I cannot put my finger on that land and neither can any man; but there's something within us that tells us that the grave is not its goal. And, "Dust thou art, to dust returnest was not spoken of the soul."
There's something within us, a fire that's a burning, a light that's been lit by God and no breezes can blow it out. There's no cold spells in the church; there's no indifference amongst the people, no persecution of the world that can blow out a flame that God has lit. For it's God's purpose that His torchlight of freedom will burn until the coming of the Lord. And no powers can blow it out. They will only make it burn brighter as they blow.
JESUS.CHRIST.THE.SAME_  FAIRFIELD.ME  THURSDAY_  58-0515,  E-19    And if we come to the Vine, Christ, His Church, what do we find? Fussing, feeling, arguments over theology, hatred, malice, strife. And we call that the works of God. The Scripture says that is not so. "This will all men when You're My disciples, when you've got love one for the other." The love of God in His Church, making every member a part of Him, then upon that love and that foundation, you build your church.
WE.WOULD.SEE.JESUS_  CONCORD.NH  FRIDAY_  58-0523,  E-23    Now, watch what He said. "A little while and the world won't see Me no more." Did He say that? "Yet, ye shall see Me." Now, the world is the unbeliever. We always know it, it's "kosmos" in the Greek which means "the world order." All right. "The world will see Me no more, yet ye shall see Me ("Ye," the church), for I ("I" is a personal pronoun), I will be with you, even in you to the end of the world." Does the Scripture say that? We all know He said that.
Now, how could He manifest Himself now? He said, "I am the--the Vine, ye are the branches." Now, the vine does not bear fruit. It--it gives life to the branch and the branch bears fruit. You people up here in Concord ought to know that with your grapes and so forth, that you--and your fruit. If you go to a grape tree then, or a grape vine, you'd expect to find grapes, if it's a grape vine. The vine won't bear the fruit, but the branches will be bearing grapes. That's right. If you go to an apple tree, it's a good fertile tree, it'll bring forth apples. A pear tree will bring forth pears. A watermelon vine will bring forth watermelons. A pumpkin vine will bring forth a pumpkin. Everything's known in itself. Then the Spirit of God in His church, will reproduce the Life of Christ, if He is the Vine, and we are the branches. Certainly, you see?
WHAT.IS.THE.HOLY.GHOST_  JEFF.IN  V-4 N-2  WEDNESDAY_  59-1216,  54    The Spirit of God in His church, what for? What did He do it for? This is a little on tomorrow night's subject, but what did He do it for? Why did He... What did the Holy Spirit... What--what did He come for? What did He come in you for? What did He come in me for? Was to continue the works of God.
EPHESIAN.CHURCH.AGE_  JEFF.IN  ROJC 131-183  MONDAY_  60-1205,  22    I pray Thee, heavenly Father, to speak tonight through us because we don't know what to say; we're just waiting and we're asking this prayer here because we're in the Presence of God in His church, and we ask that the Holy Spirit that's on these people will unite its powers together tonight and shake forth the Gospel into every heart, that'll give us a new stand and a new hold for the age that is coming on. Grant it, Lord, for we see the fig tree putting forth its buds, and Israel becoming a nation, and the Gentile days fading away and numbered, and we're looking for the coming of the great Redeemer, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Walk among us, Lord. As was said tonight, "You walk in the midst of the candlesticks," then walk among us tonight, Lord, and warn our hearts of the evil that's ahead, and give us understanding of Thy Word, for we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
MARY'S.BELIEF_  BEAUMONT.TX  SATURDAY_  61-0121,  E-28,   And it's predicted that in this last days that He would send His Messenger again. And that Messenger tonight is not a man. No sir. It's the Holy Ghost. That's His Messenger, God in His church, moving, showing the signs and wonders just before His appearing.
WE.WOULD.SEE.JESUS_  BLOOMINGTON.IL  SUNDAY_  61-0409,  E-24    There would be different ideas about it. But the only way to justly make it so, is to go back and find out what He was yesterday, and what He did yesterday, how He acted yesterday. And then see if He will come and be that same thing today.
Now, everyone believes and knows that the corporal body of the Lord Jesus sets at the right hand of God Almighty at the throne of God, making intercessions upon our confession. You all believe that? And the Holy Spirit is here, which was upon Him, which was God in Christ. Now, this is God in His church. God was in a Pillar of Fire once, the Logos that went out of God, that was the Angel of the covenant that went with the children of Israel through the wilderness.
Then He was manifested, the same God in the flesh, which was His Son, that He overshadowed a virgin, created a Blood cell, and lived in that Body of flesh, the Son of God.
CHRISTIANITY.VERSUS.IDOLATRY_  JEFF.IN  V-8 N-2  SUNDAY_  61-1217,  129    And talk about, "God in His church, or God in His Word?" The Bible said that the Word is God.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us...
ONENESS_  JEFF.IN  V-10 N-2  SUNDAY_  62-0211
  17    Now, Jesus prayed in John the 17th chapter and the 11th verse, to you who put down these Sunday school texts. I have many of them this morning. John 17:11, Jesus prayed that the church and He would be one like He and the Father were one. That the church, we as members of the Body of Christ, would be one together just like He and the Father are one. And at that day we would know that He was in the Father--or Father in Him, and He in us, that together we were one. What a union, a oneness that would be to see God in His church, till every member is just perfectly in harmony with each other and God. That's the church that Jesus is coming for. That's when His prayer will be answered, that we will be one.
ONENESS_  JEFF.IN  V-10 N-2  SUNDAY_  62-0211
  31    They were God's examples to us, what we should be, then ever present, never failing. When they spoke, God answered. He watched them daily. Night, when they'd lay down to sleep, He watched over them. In the daytime He guided them, fed them, loved them, communed with them constantly all the time. They were in God's image, and God was in them. That's what makes a fellowship. That's what makes the union is God in His church. That's the union. Much could be said, got many places to go.
United with Him is Eternal Life. And the only way we can unite with Him is to come every bit of His Word (That's right.), take every promise and believe it.

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