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HIDDEN.LIFE.IN.CHRIST_ SAN.FERNANDO.CA THURSDAY_ 55-1110 E-70 We love You, Jesus. And Thou has bid us to come. You said, "Come, ask anything that you will to My Father. Ask it in My Name; I'll give it to you. I'll give it to you," You said. And, Lord, You have to keep Your Word; You're God. And we come, and we're asking, and we shall receive it, is because You said You would give it to us. And now we believe it and accept it by arms of faith, by tear-stained eyes, by uplifted hands, by consecrated hearts, we accept the new Life, the power of the Holy Ghost, the hiding away, the Shekinah Glory, the baptism of love and power and service. We commend it, Lord, and accept it in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.


140 Little old frail body, lost a lot of weight, up the creaky steps he goes, goes over there and kneels down, and he said, "O Jehovah..." Oh, he prayed like he never prayed before. He said, "Jehovah, looky here. You're a real God. We believe that You got ears. We believe You got eyes. And You know all things. And we believe You're the God of the Hebrews, and we're the people of the promise. We believe You keep Your Word." Said, "Look at these heathens out here, how they're taking our cheap labor, and building great big roads and idols, and everything. You, Jehovah, would You set in Heaven and let the heathens rule over You? I don't believe You'll do it." Amen.


E-55 Like the garment of Elijah that fell upon Elisha, the double portion. The Holy Ghost come upon the Church, and "These things that I do, more than this shall you do, for I go to My Father." God's promise; you're just afraid to claim it.

And--but just like a little girl that wants something from her daddy or a little boy, they say, "Daddy, will you give..." If you're a right daddy, you make them a promise, you'll keep your word. How much more will God keep His Word to His children? You might make a promise and then break it. But God can't break it, because He can do it. And He won't promise until He got the strength to do it.

And Abraham said, "He counted him that He was able to keep His promise." And that's the reason he believed Him. What do you count Him at tonight? To keep His promise?


E-39 And then one day God wanted to make it real plain to the people in Phoenix. So how He was going to do it, He was going to give this Abraham a double test. So He said, "Abraham, take thine son, thy only son, and take him to a certain mountain, where I'm going to show you, and there sacrifice him.

Now, what if Abraham would have took the second thought? "How am I going to be the father of nations, when here I am this old, and You're asking me kill and destroy the only evidence that I have that You'll keep Your Word and make me a father of nations?"

How God loves to test His people. Every child that comes to God must be tested, child trained; no exceptions, everyone.

And maybe tonight, that you're sick, just to have a little child training, just a little testing. Don't be discouraged. God's on the throne. He knows all things. If were truly borned of the Spirit of God, everything's working together for our good. He's going to make everything right. He promised He would. He swore He would. And He's got to keep that Word. He's kept it now for oh, thousands of years to every believer. Would you be any exception? No, sir. We're no exception. Now, watch Him now.


E-58 What about around the altar, you feel good? Feel all our sins are washed away? What can wash away all sin? Nothing but the Blood of Jesus. What can make me whole again? Nothing but the Blood of Jesus, not joining another denomination, but the Blood of Jesus.

Oh, return in peace to your homes. God be with you. Go to your churches. Support it. Stand behind your pastor. Stand behind the programs of God. And pray for your pastor, and let's have a real old fashion revival sweep Phoenix. It won't be long till Brother Roberts...

[]... through here will be back in. When they come, everybody, with one heart, go out and cooperate and have a great big time. Don't proselyte. Just go to your own church and worship God. When the service is over, invite them all to your church. If the other brother don't keep his word, that's up between him and God. You keep your word to God; that's the main thing.


E-49 Not only is the baby nursing strength, but it's satisfied while it's a nursing. He's not jumping from pillar to post. He's staying right put on the Word of God. "God, You promised it, and I'm satisfied You're going to do it. I know You can keep Your Word. I stay right with It."

And tonight He's the same Breasted God that He was then. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. If you have need of salvation, lay onto God's promise and nurse from Him.


227-381 So there's no way for you to be lost. You get scared; and that's the reason scare, a scare... Fear companies doubt. Love companies faith. I love my Father. I'm not afraid of Him, because I love Him. He wouldn't hurt me; He'll do good for me. If I was scared of Him, and "Oh, I don't know whether He'll do it or not.

See, but if I love Him, "Yes, Father, I--I love You. And I know You're--You're my Father, and You love me, and I'm not afraid but what You'll keep Your Word. It's Your promise to me." That's the way the Spirit of God does.

"But, oh, if I did this, if I did that..." See, there you come to the legal side again. Never go to the legal side; it's negative. The positive side is what you want.


E-60 Oh, that's just a little thing to what He does. He's great and full of mercy. Now, let us be reverent and pray. All right, how many we got lined up? About--well, we'll start right now, be all right. Let's pray now.

Most gracious Lord, right now, even this little audience, Your Word is to be manifested, or You're a false witness to give Your Word. And Lord, I realize that to take the position to represent You, Your Spirit, what a great thing that is. And I'm unworthy Lord, and we're all unworthy. But, Father, Thou does not look upon our unworthiness, but You honor Your Word. And I pray, from the sincerity of my heart, O great Jehovah, let it be known this night, that Thou art still God and You keep Your Word. Whether the groups are small or large, manifest Yourself. And then, may the people, the faith that they need, when You knock at the door, may that faith anchor deep. May all the doors of their heart be open, and may they rise in faith and accept their healing, and the things that You have provided for them.

Forgive me of my trespasses, Lord. Forgive us all our trespasses. And now, condition our hearts to receive Thee. And come, blessed Saviour, and heal every person in the building tonight. For we ask it in Jesus' Name, and for His sake. Amen.


E-31 All ages, Thou art God. Before there was a light, You were God. Before there was a heaven, You were God. And when all life is finished and no stars are shining, the solar system has vanished, You'll still be God.

How comes then, that we little insignificant man will try to comprehend in our mind, or let Satan deceive us, by trying to make us doubt what You've said is Truth. Surely, You keep Your Word. Thou doeth look and seek out diligently, throughout all the earth to find someone that You can show Your glory through, for You're so anxious to let people see that the great God Who made the promise keeps the promise. And grant tonight, Almighty God, You are sovereign; even over unbelief Your grace overrides our unbelief. And we believe You to be the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, infinite God. And we would ask tonight to forgive us of our sins and shortcomings, all of our doubts and unbelief.


E-31 All ages, Thou art God. Before there was a light, You were God. Before there was a heaven, You were God. And when all life is finished and no stars are shining, the solar system has vanished, You'll still be God.

How comes then, that we little insignificant man will try to comprehend in our mind, or let Satan deceive us, by trying to make us doubt what You've said is Truth. Surely, You keep Your Word. Thou doeth look and seek out diligently, throughout all the earth to find someone that You can show Your glory through, for You're so anxious to let people see that the great God Who made the promise keeps the promise. And grant tonight, Almighty God, You are sovereign; even over unbelief Your grace overrides our unbelief. And we believe You to be the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, infinite God. And we would ask tonight to forgive us of our sins and shortcomings, all of our doubts and unbelief.


127 To the sinner, may they repent quickly, make ready for baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ. And You promised You'd give them the Holy Ghost. You said it, Lord; You keep Your promise.

There's a backslider that's certain that You are God, and they've wandered away, may they come today because You said, "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white like snow; red like crimson, they'll be white like wool."

And if there's those who are sick, may they realize that You're God; You keep Your Word; You must keep Your Word. And as they lay theirself with their Oil, the Spirit that's in them that's confessing they believe, and then also with the Word, the Bread of Life that's went forth, Christ ground up to them in the Old Testament and in the New Testament to show that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. May they mix that Word with the Oil, Spirit, that they've got, then stand to their feet at the altar, saying, "This is all I got, Lord; I bring it." Oh, how You'll multiply it, how it'll call the God of history on at the scene; how it'll make Jehovah rise with a heart swelling that, "I got a child that'll obey Me. I've put him through the test, and he proves that he loves Me and he believes Me. He's certain that I am." For it is said, "He that cometh to God must believe that He is, and a rewarder of those that diligently seek after Him." Grant it this hour, as we commit it to You.


E-31 All ages, Thou art God. Before there was a light, You were God. Before there was a heaven, You were God. And when all life is finished and no stars are shining, the solar system has vanished, You'll still be God.

How comes then, that we little insignificant man will try to comprehend in our mind, or let Satan deceive us, by trying to make us doubt what You've said is Truth. Surely, You keep Your Word. Thou doeth look and seek out diligently, throughout all the earth to find someone that You can show Your glory through, for You're so anxious to let people see that the great God Who made the promise keeps the promise. And grant tonight, Almighty God, You are sovereign; even over unbelief Your grace overrides our unbelief. And we believe You to be the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, infinite God. And we would ask tonight to forgive us of our sins and shortcomings, all of our doubts and unbelief.


169 Now, the same Holy Spirit that performed in the days of Abraham, performed in the days of Christ, promised to be here to do the same thing. He's here. Now, if I've told you the truth, God's obligated to that truth.

If I don't keep my word, I'm not a man of my word. If you don't keep your word, you're not a man of your word. Now, I might promise you something and I couldn't do it, but--but I'll come tell you. If I owe you something and hide from you, I'm a hypocrite. If I come tell you, "I owe you, but I can't pay you, but I'll do the best I can," then you forgive me and help me. See?


E-31 All ages, Thou art God. Before there was a light, You were God. Before there was a heaven, You were God. And when all life is finished and no stars are shining, the solar system has vanished, You'll still be God.

How comes then, that we little insignificant man will try to comprehend in our mind, or let Satan deceive us, by trying to make us doubt what You've said is Truth. Surely, You keep Your Word. Thou doeth look and seek out diligently, throughout all the earth to find someone that You can show Your glory through, for You're so anxious to let people see that the great God Who made the promise keeps the promise. And grant tonight, Almighty God, You are sovereign; even over unbelief Your grace overrides our unbelief. And we believe You to be the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, infinite God. And we would ask tonight to forgive us of our sins and shortcomings, all of our doubts and unbelief.


E-58 Let us bow our heads. How many in here desires to come up to God's promise now, up to Calvary, look at the right and left hand: Wounded for our transgressions, with His stripes you were healed, the breasted God. You have a right to these things. Will you raise your hands to God and say, "Be merciful to me, oh, God, and let me now draw from that breast." Raise your hands if you desire it. God bless you, everywhere. Wonderful.

Lord, oh, we appreciate You so much, the great Holy Spirit, the confirmation that You keep Your Word. Did not our Lord look down through the time and see how man would stretch the Word, and make It say things that It was not intended to say? Oh, we realize that, Lord, but we're so glad that He said this: "I'll not leave you comfortless. I'll pray the Father, and He will send you another Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, and He will abide with you forever," One that would confirm the Word. And You said, "When He comes, He will testify of Me and will show you things to come." How glad we are today, Lord, to have the Presence of the Holy Ghost.


E-31 All ages, Thou art God. Before there was a light, You were God. Before there was a heaven, You were God. And when all life is finished and no stars are shining, the solar system has vanished, You'll still be God.

How comes then, that we little insignificant man will try to comprehend in our mind, or let Satan deceive us, by trying to make us doubt what You've said is Truth. Surely, You keep Your Word. Thou doeth look and seek out diligently, throughout all the earth to find someone that You can show Your glory through, for You're so anxious to let people see that the great God Who made the promise keeps the promise. And grant tonight, Almighty God, You are sovereign; even over unbelief Your grace overrides our unbelief. And we believe You to be the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, infinite God. And we would ask tonight to forgive us of our sins and shortcomings, all of our doubts and unbelief.


E-15 Privileged looking upon a woman a few days ago who met us, and said, "Oh, Brother Branham, it seems that a dreadful disease that you cursed one time in the Name of the Lord, is trying to return again. But I'm resting solemnly upon the THUS SAITH THE LORD. And when the physicians had examined our Sister Bruce, they found her negative. We are grateful, Lord, that You keep Your Word. Your promise is so true.

May it be a THUS SAITH THE LORD this morning for every need that we have need of. We would remember those are in the hospitals and at home, and especially our Brother Rogers. May Thy grace and mercy, if it so pleases Thee, Lord, speak this morning in a vision and show us just what to tell our brother. For we are Your people waiting to hear Your Word. Until we hear, we'll be trusting every moment. Pour out Thy blessings upon all. Bless the reading of the Word, and we'll give Thee all the praise and all the glory, for we ask it in Jesus Name. Amen.


E-94 Here stands many around this altar, at the bottom of this rail: Men and women, boys and girls, that has--has accepted You as personal Saviour. They want to be filled with the Holy Ghost. Peter said on the day of Pentecost, the promise was to them. And we find it true in every age and ever since then, that any man that will come thirsting and hungering, You never turn him away. You always fill him; You keep Your Word. I pray, God, tonight, with all my heart, and with all that's in me: Let not one of these... I claim them every one for You.


E-77 Now, if You'd say, Brother Branham heal me." I--I wished I could. If Jesus was standing here, He couldn't do it. He's already did it. He's just trying to get you to believe it. If He will do this, to you people out there, that's just setting out there, will it shove away every doubt and you'll believe with all your heart? All over the building, will you raise your hands to God, and say, "It would just make me believe it." All right. Pray.

Now, Lord, this is not for a show. This is to confirm Your Word. You keep Your Word. I believe every one. Now, there's men and women out there just in need, like the people was the day that You were on earth. Like the woman that touched Your garment. You are in Glory tonight setting at the right hand of the Majesty, and You are a High Priest, You said, that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities. We cannot heal. We know we're not healers, but You make Yourself known, that You're still God. Let someone, Lord, have faith enough to touch You at this time. I pray that. That You'll let me, Your unworthy and unprofitable servant, be able to relax myself and get my ownself out of the way, that You might speak Your mysteries to Your Church to confirm it.


E-64 I ask that You will grant that the Messenger of the Covenant that met Abraham there before the burning of Sodom, when He had His back turned to the tent... And the Spirit that was within Him, Who Abraham recognized to be God Almighty, the great El--Elo--Elohim, the self existing One, manifested in a body of flesh that eat a cow's calf... He eat butter and milk and corn bread, and then vanished right in the sight of Abraham: Elohim.

When He was manifested in flesh by a virgin birth, promised that in the last days this sign would happen just before His return to the Gentiles. Here we are, Lord. You keep Your Word. I've told this people that they are--they were saved when Jesus died for them. They were healed when Jesus died for them. Confirm Your Word.


E-83 The little baby when it's nursing, not only... But it's a satisfier. See? The baby on its mother's breast is satisfied. It can be screaming, his little belly hurting, and kicking, and it's little strength is all gone, but he will lay right up on his little mother's breast like that and quit crying. Nurse, go ahead, it'll be all right. Why? Because it's satisfies.

And when I can show you in this Bible that He forgives all of our iniquity (O God), heals all of our diseases, let me just take hold of that promise and say, "Father God, I'm weak; I need You. I know You keep Your Word. You're El Shaddai. I'm believing You, Lord. Fill me with Your Spirit. Wash me in Your Blood. Take me back, O Lord, and try me. Let me lean against the bosom. I am Your child; I was born to You but I got weak, but You're my strength Giver. You promised You would do it, and I'm just going to hold right here, Lord, and I'm going to be satisfied that You'll fill me with Your Spirit, wash me in Your Blood, take away all of my condemnation, heal my body and make me well." What a promise it is to confirm His promise to Abraham, "I'm El Shaddai."

"Well Brother Branham, I'm a--I'm a prostitute. I'm a--I'm a drunkard. I'm a--I'm an alcoholic. I'm all these oth..." I don't care what you are. Come right up to El Shaddai. If your strength and all hopes is gone, the Alcohol Anonymous has given you up, the doctor's given you up, there's nothing can be done for you, He's El Shaddai, the strong One. Lean upon His bosom and just nurse and be satisfied. He will bring it to pass. Won't you love Him?


E-109 Now, Father, You proved Yourself alive to keep Your Word. You watch over Your Word to confirm It. And now, I'm presenting to this community and to the regions around about, Jesus Christ and His servants. And we as Your servants, Lord, are going to follow your instructions, regardless of what the unbelieving world says about it. We're going to lay our hands upon Your sick, suffering children. And we believe that they will be made well. We accept You as our Healer right now.


E-47 You're a father and mother, and you tell your children, "You go over there, I'll give you a whipping." If you love that child, and he transgresses your laws, you'll keep your word. That's right. But if you let him go on, "Well, that's all right." Do it again. See? That's what makes all these here little Melindas, and Rickys, and so forth around. That's what makes juvenile delinquency.


E-70 Let's stand up on our feet now and give praise to God. Let us... Let's raise up our hands and say, "Heavenly Father, in doing this we give thanks and praise to You, for You are our Strength. You help us, Lord, and do these things because that You are God and keep Your Word.


E-97 I'm watching now to see what He's going to tell me. Just keep your heads bowed and start praying. Just have faith. Don't doubt.

Now, heavenly Father, it's all in Your hands. I pray, heavenly Father, just now, that men and women in here might realize that this is not an easy thing to do, being a mortal and living among men, living with people... I pray, heavenly Father, that they will understand this and know that Thy servant is--is trying to speak of You. And I've found that You keep Your Word, Lord. I've found that it's true. I find that You and Your Word are the self-same.


264 There's one thing to say anything, and there's one thing for God to prove it's right. Now, if I say that you got a right to dis... No, you have no right to disbelieve it, because I'm reading it out of the Bible. See? You don't... See? But now if God confirms that to be so, then you'll know whether it is or not.

Now, just in humility let's bow our heads for prayer. Lord Jesus, I know this is a great challenge. It's a challenge that maybe I--I--I should not have made. I don't know. But feeling that many of these people has been in meetings before, they--they know You and they know that You--You are in the earth today. And they know that You--You keep Your Word by representing Yourself through human agency. And, Lord, if You'll just speak to even one person, or two, or maybe three. And It said, "In the mouth of two or three witnesses let every word be established." Make it at least three people here, Lord, unknown to me, that You will speak to them. And let them touch Your garment, then You let me just see the vision and know what to say. Let the Holy Spirit use my lips, as--as You have, and so graciously, Lord, such an unworthy person. And there's none of us worthy, none of us; but somebody must do it, so I--I pray, God, that You'll do it tonight. Will You? Just that it might be known, this great city which is doomed for judgment shortly. The whole world, we know, can't stand in this condition. And there may be people here that'll never be again, maybe that's why I'm doing this, saying this. I pray, Father, that You'll make this Word that I have preached, It's Your Word, let It be made known, in Jesus' Name.

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