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IT.SHALL.BE.EVEN.AS.IT.WAS.TOLD.ME_  CLEVELAND.OH  FRIDAY_  50-0818,  E-38    And I just stood still. Two behind me stopped, tried to push me on. And I couldn't tell them "No." I just stood still. []
And I wished... couldn't use it. And I'd get out on the streets when all of them get in the auditorium. I'd go down to where all of them little kids was, you know. And I'd give them money. Oh, my. I'd have a string of kids. Oh, they were... There was a little group meets me out here every night, the sweetest little fellows. And I just love little children.
And--and the little Finnish girls, they'd pull their little skirts out, like this, and say, "Kiitos." That means "Thank you." See? I had given some money, you know, and they'd say, "Kiitos." And I'd seen her coming up to me. And she got close, and I wondered, "What does she want?"
And she got right up close to me. She took her little braces, stood. And she... Them little baby blue eye looked up at me; her little lips was quivering. And she got ahold of my coat. She pulled it up close to her, kissed my coat, let it drop back. She got her little crutch, moved back, and looked up and her little lips trembling, pulled her little skirt out, and said, "Kiitos." Oh, my.
  E-2    Next week, they've asked me to continue on a little while, which I'm going to try my best. We very seldom ever stay over three to five nights in meeting there. And this time, I'm trying to stay a little long, because it's so difficult to take the--to take the... [] God bless every one. And I just love little children. She passed by there. Bless her little heart.
Yes, sweetheart. She has eye trouble, don't she, mother? She's extremely nervous too, isn't she? Isn't that right? You're suffering with a back trouble. Isn't that right? Yes, ma'am. Well now, you believe me what I tell you, will you do that? You go home testifying that you're healed, and about your daughter too, and everything will be all right for you, if you'll believe it. God bless you, sister.
Now, the little sweet little thing come by waving her little hand. Well, I just love little children with all...
LIFE.STORY.WILLIAM.BRANHAM_  CLEVELAND.OH  SUNDAY_  50-0820A,  E-89     My wife taken pneumonia. Little old Dr. Adair, I shall never forget him. He come. We're buddies. We'd fish together, and hunt together, and everything: one of the best doctors, medical doctors there is in the country. And he... We went to school together. He come up there and looked at her, said, "Billy," said, "that girl's got pneumonia." I'd just taken him his Christmas present. He--he never...
God had give us a little girl between that time, little Sharon Rose. I couldn't call her Rose of Sharon, but I could call her Sharon Rose. And I called her Sharon Rose. And God gave her to us and she was a sweet little lump, and we just loved her so much. And she'd just got to a place to where, the mother would set her in her little, the "four corners," you know, out in the yard, and I'd come up, and I'd blow the horn on the car like that. She'd recognize and lift her little arms and go, "Goo, goo, goo, goo." My, how I loved that little lump of human flesh. I'd hold her in my bosom and kiss her and love her. My little boy...
I just love little children, and God had give to me. And I'd put them both on my back and piggyback and ride around, you know, just as happy as we could be, nothing...?... the order but just... She had just the two children in a little over three years.
THREE.WITNESSES_  ERIE.PA  SATURDAY_  51-0728,  E-51    I was going into the auditorium and the ladies dormitory, or rest room, such as it was. I... They'd closed the doors, the officers behind me; there was two in front and two in the back. And I was going, walking in. And the doors closed. And I looked, and a door opened over here at the rest room, and a little Finnish girl stepped out. And I'll never forget that look of that little thing.
Now, I just love little children; they used to give me some of that Finnish money, and after--after they'd all get in the auditorium, I'd go down the street, and find them little Finn children, you know, and I'd give them this--this money to buy candy with. And I'd have a string of kids two city blocks long following me nearly.
  23    Brother...?... he has his three little children to be dedicated to the Lord... []
In a little closet, way yonder in the north lands You promised this child to me. Father, may Your blessings rest upon Him. Joseph, my boy, I give you to God, and may your life be a blessing. May you be a prophet, Joseph; may God's grace rest on you. May the God of your father, the Lord Jesus Christ ever bless you and make your life a blessing to others. In Jesus Christ's Name I bless this child. Amen. []
Love little children, something about the little fellows that each mother wanting her child to be blessed. Now, that's the way our heavenly Father is to us adults this morning; He wants each of us to be blessed. He presents us before certain things, just hands it out to us, as to say, "Here, I want you to be blessed, My child." Isn't He wonderful? So we can appreciate a kind heavenly Father like that.
HEAR.YE.HIM_  SASKATOON.SASK  SUNDAY_  57-0519A,  E-70    I remember the time standing at my latest temptation, my hardest. My wife was laying in the morgue, a corpse. My little baby was laying dying. Healthy little child a few hours before, but it tookin' meningitis. And I went to the hospital. They had it in an isolated ward, and the flies was all over it's little eyes. I was just a young minister, about twenty-five years old, mother dead, the baby laying dying. I went in reverently, got down on my knees, and I said, "Lord God, what have I done? Has there been anything that I've done to transgress You? Are You doing this... Or, why You tearing my heart apart? Don't take my little baby." I said, "Lord, I love that little thing so much." She was just big enough that when I come around the corner and blow the horn, she'd raise her little hands out and go, "Goo, goo, goo." And I just love little children.
And there she laid there. The meningitis had drawed her, just in a few hours, her little blue eyes had cross, her little hand trying to wave good-bye to me. Oh, I couldn't stand it. I thought, "Oh, God, what can I do?" I knelt down to pray, and when I prayed, looked like a black sheet come down. God refused to hear me. What about that? I raised up and looked at the little thing.
  E-100    All right. Oh, yes. You believe that God will heal you? She says she has heart trouble, dropsy, and other ailments that she believes the God will heal her. Now, let's bow our heads and pray for this lady.
Blessed Lord, as this little lady stands here tonight to be prayed for, I lay my hands upon her and by faith all this great ransomed church here, lays their hands on her by faith. And we believe that the prayer of faith shall save the sick. And O great Angel Who come that night in the room, said, "Be sincere. Get the people to believe..." As all sincerity that I can pray for these people, I ask that You'll heal her, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
God bless you, sister. No ma'am, I don't. No. No. Go on your road rejoicing. God bless your heart. Amen. Oh, that's... I just love it. Don't you like old people? I just love them. They're just second children. I love little children and old people. I love everybody, but I... It looked like they're just--just like little children, kind of helpless like.
  E-15    Now, and another thing the eagle has. He is a bird that has ambitions not to let his little ones be hurt. He builds his nest way high in the rocks. And there he makes his nest for his young ones. How different it is with the other birds, how they build their nest down low. But the eagle goes high to build his nest.
Sometime ago I was down to Cincinnati, Ohio, to the--to the zoo. I've got two little girls and a little boy, and how I love little children. And every time when I'm gone from them so long, come in, get in the house, one wants a piggyback. You know how it is. And I just love the little fellows. And I'm going to use them now for an expression.
  E-17    I just love little children. I got two little girls at home. One of them is Rebekah and the other one is Sarah.
Here sometime ago, I was away. They're both daddy's little girls, you know, and I love them. And as soon as they get in I got to give them a piggy-back, and--only Becky's getting too big for it; she's big as I am. She'd break my back now; she's--but she's still daddy's little girl, anyhow. And now, about another year, we want to get her in Bible school somewhere and away from the public school.
And then--they was waiting up for daddy, you know, to come home. I'd been out in the meeting. (And tomorrow night they'll be waiting until midnight for me to try to get in.) And so, I got in real early in the morning, around three or four o'clock. And mother come to the door and let me in, and I was so tired and weary, I... Here on the platform, I--when the--anointed it feels fine, but when that once leaves you, that's where you get in trouble. How many ever knew that? Why, sure it is.
  E-15    The mother and father places it into our arms today. We by faith, bind the snares, place it into Your arms by faith. Bless her life. Give her a long life, Lord. May she be a child of God. May she serve You with all of her life, every fiber of her being be a servant of Christ. Grant it, Lord Jesus. Bless her father and mother, her little brothers and sisters. May they raise up also, and be a glorious family to the service of God.
Father, we give little Marilyn Madge to You in the Name of Jesus Christ for a mighty servant. Bless her, and her father, and her mother, and her loved ones, and may they live long happy lives in Your service in Jesus' Name. Amen.
God bless you, Brother Stricker. Yes, she's a fine little lady.
Thank you, Teddy boy. I love little children, don't you?
 Bring them in, bring them in,
 Bring them in from the fields of sin;
 Bring them in, bring them in,
 Bring the little ones to Jesus.
Oh, how... Don't you love little children? If people doesn't love little children, there's something wrong. Jesus said, "Except you become converted and become like one of these little ones, you'll not enter the Kingdom." No one... A father had two little girls back there, yet he wanted to bring them. I told him, "Bring them right ahead." See?

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