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You can meet that man that's ever walked in there... I don't care if he hasn't been in revival for six months; he's just as sweet as he was the day he was in the revival. That's right. You can meet him on a shouty day or a cloudy day, or whatever you want to; he's just the same, because he's living in the glory of God. He's living where the manna's fresh all the time, where it isn't a burden to get out and pray through today and pray through tomorrow.

Brother, stay with Him all the time in the holiest of holies. "Can a person live that way?" Absolutely. That's what Jesus died for. Amen.

33 HOW.CAN.I.OVERCOME JEFF.IN. V-4 N-12 63-0825M

I want to take my subject this morning of this, How Can I Overcome? Now, I chose this, because that I think that it's a time that we should never let the Spirit of revival die. We've got to keep in revival, constantly revive every day. Paul said he had to die daily that Christ could live. And we must never let that revival die within us.

What is the secret of all this? Paul said, "I die daily!" He had to die to his own ideas, his own ways, the ways of others and follow only the Lord, step by step. He could not do what he wanted to do, because he was a love slave to the Word and will of God. He was a smart man, an educated man, and he had to cast that all aside and follow the Lord step by step. Many times he did not understand, nor did he think he was following the Lord, but later he could look back and see it was the Lord.

He was a strong willed man, and God had to break that. He knew the Lord and the Lord's ways of dealing with Paul. Therefore any least little nod from God, would cause him to turn that way. He cast his own reasonings aside and did the will of God. He was quick to repent, when he did miss the Lord. He was very humble, and confessed that he was the chiefest of sinners.

We had a man, in our day, who God raised up to show that one could live in this sinful and adulterous generation, and still live holy and still walk with God.

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