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54 Here we are presented with a picture though. The seed started, the seed of promise started in a slightly doubted--doubt of the original promise. See how it starts low in doubt in the original promise? God promised Abraham through Sarah to have this child. But now watch, the first seed of Abraham by the bondswoman come by Sarah doubting that this could happen, because she was old and passed the age of bearing.

Now, that's how the church starts. That's how it always starts. You start from the bottom. You don't start from the top. A man trying to climb a ladder tries to get on top first, he'll break his neck. You've got to start and build up to that. And here we find the beginning of the promise of God being made manifest through a slightly doubted, interrupted program of God.

That's the same way sin begin in the garden of Eden. That's how death started by sin, was when one word of God was misconstrued or doubted. You can't doubt or misplace one word of God that's THUS SAITH THE LORD...?... every Word be so.


58 Here the seed starts then in a promise slightly doubted. Isaac being the seed of the free and promised woman, brought forth (as Paul was trying to explain here in Galatians) he brought forth the natural, promised seed. And he goes on to say here that the--the bondswoman's children cannot be heir with the freewoman's children, because they are of two different categories. And that is true. The unbeliever cannot be heir with the believer. There's no way at all.

That's where the trouble is today. You can't make a denominational chicken believe with a eagle. You just can't do it. There's where the trouble comes. You've got to believe every word of God. You just, you're not heirs together; neither will you--will you join with it. You cannot do it. You've got to be eagle or a chicken.


34 Here the seed starts in the promise in Abraham here slightly doubted, by Ishmael. And I want to show you the three stages of these--of this seed that we're going to speak of, which is not heir with the shuck. Now, we find that in the beginning here that God gave Abraham the promise.

He gave Adam the promise first. And that was on--the covenant was on conditions. "If you won't do this. if you will do this." But when He gave it to Abraham, it was unconditional, "I have already done it." He never... What He did, it was unconditional, He gave to Abraham.

Now, and through that, Abraham having the promise; therefore, we have to be Abraham's seed. "It was not only to Abraham, but to his Seed after him." Now, if you'll notice, it wasn't "seeds" after him, but "Seed" after him.

Now, we find out that the promise, being slightly doubted by Sarah, and Sarah told Abraham to take this Hagar, the Egyptian young woman for wife, and that would be the way that God would raise up this promised seed...


39 Now, we see here that Sarah, after God had told Abraham that the child would be born through Sarah, that would bless the world, now Sarah doubted it. And I want you to notice; it never come by Abraham, but by Sarah, the female. And she doubted it, and she said, "Take Hagar." And Abraham didn't want to do that, but God told him to go ahead and do it anyhow. So he did it, slightly doubted. Now, Isaac, being the free and from the promised woman, could not be heir with Ishmael, the bondswoman, in doubt.

That's what Paul was trying to say here. See, where one thing is doubted, and it brings down a certain thing of God, a certain order of God, but it won't be heir with the original order of God. You understand? See, it can't be heir.


44 Now, Ishmael could not be heir with Isaac, because one was slightly doubted, just slightly doubted. It was a child; it was still the seed of Abraham, but not God's perfect way for it: Ishmael. Now, I could just spend much time here, but I'm hoping the Holy Spirit will convey this to you in the real way that it should be. Now, if they...

If Ishmael and Isaac could not be heir together because the original plan of God was substituted into a--a permissive plan of God, a permissive way that God did bless, neither can the spiritual church today be heir with the denominational. The denominationals, God blessed them like He did Ishmael; but the spiritual will not be heir with the others. That's right. There will be, coming out of the church denomination (church so-called, church natural), will come a Bride of Christ, the elected.


63 Now, the stalk, tassel, and shuck, notice. Hagar here represented the stalk, which was the first life that started in the promise. Sarah represents the tassel, or the pollen, comes in the tassel. Mary, the virgin, represented and produced the true spiritual Seed to bring forth the real true stalk. Hagar and Sarah, both was by sex. But Mary, the virgin, was by the power of God's promised Word by virgin birth. She brought forth the genuine Seed. The stalk, Hagar, the second wife by doubt of the promise, working through a doubt, slightly...


64 I just hope; may God help us. I don't... I want you to see this so bad. You cannot slightly doubt any of It. You've got to take It just as It is. It needs no interpretation. The Bible says that the Word of God is of no private interpretation. God don't need any of our schools to interpret His Word. When He vindicates It and makes It live, that's the interpretation of It. When God said, "Let there be light," there was light. That don't need to be interpreted. When He said, "A virgin shall conceive," she conceived. It doesn't need to be interpreted.

We don't need all this; its seminaries and things that gets men, "Well, we got the interpretation. We got the interpretation."

God Himself interpret His own Word. He doesn't need anybody to interpret for Him. He said it'd happen, and it happens. He said in the last days He'd pour out His Spirit. He did it. I don't care what the denominations said. He did it anyhow, 'cause He said He'd do it. So It doesn't need interpretation, for God does His own interpretation.


68 Now, Hagar, by slightly... Remember, you cannot take one Word out of There. And Jesus said in Revelation, at the close of the Book... And at the first of the Book Christ said any man that took one piece away from that Word... Just one Word misinterpreted caused every sickness, death, that we've ever had. Well, if God, Who is holy, looked down, and caused all this chaos by just slightly misinterpreting one Word, and any little thing against that supreme Word caused all of this chaos, and the suffering, bleeding and dying of His own Son to reconcile this horrible thing back to Him, how are we going to get in anything less than keeping the whole Word?


74 Now, Hagar, by one little slight difference, through woman, not through Abraham now... Abraham didn't want to do it, but God let him do it, because he--same thing He let Balaam go on. Now, notice, by slightly differing with it, she brought forth Ishmael, which was a wild man, never conquered. He lived by his bow. He was a wild man. He is yet today.

Now, Sarah, the tassel, or pollen, Sarah, the true wife of the promise, brings forth a gentleman, in return brought forth a promised nation.

Now, but, Mary, no sex, but through a promise, just like Abraham got the promise from God, the Word of God, but believed the promise, "Behold the handsmaid of the Lord." (See?), brought forth not a stalk, but the original Seed, for He was the Word that Abraham believed and that Mary believed.


Remember we have shown clearly all through the ages that even as Adam and Eve fell because they left the Word, so the Ephesian Age fell by turning slightly from the Word, until with every age continuing to turn away, we have a final repudiation of the Word by the World Church system. This Laodicean Age ends in a blackout of the Word, thereby causing a departure of the Lord from the midst. He stands outside calling to His own who follow Him by obedience to the Word. After a short and powerful demonstration of the Spirit this little hunted and persecuted group will go to be with Jesus.

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