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 405. Brother Branham, when some of--someone gets on me or "steps on my toes (This might be a good one.)--steps on my toes," as the old saying is, my temper rises; how can I overcome this thing? I know the Lord will have to do it, but what can I do in my heart? I don't want this thing.

Sweeten your temper with prayer; then make up your mind. There... I don't guess there is too many people in this building ever had any more temper than I did to begin with. Oh, I--I had a mouth mashed all the time. And I--I--I'd taken a lot of my meals out of a straw.

My mother, as you know, was a half Indian, and my father was an Irishman, a Kentucky Irish at that. And every one of--both of them had enough temper to fight a buzz saw. And all the time my mouth was mashed; I was little to begin with. And they'd just pick me up and knock me down. And I'd get up again; and they'd knock me down again till I just got too able--unable to get up anymore. That's always. And then when I got able to get up, I got up again; they knocked me down again. So that's just the way I had it.

I thought, "I can never be a Christian." But when the Holy Spirit came into my life, that done it. No more...

I had a woman one time; I went to have to cut the lights off. And that day I had hair on top of my head. She said, "You little, kinky-headed idiotic."

I told her, I said, "Woman, you oughtn't to curse like that. Oh, don't you fear God?"

She said, "You little, kinky-headed idiotic, if I wanted somebody to talk to me about things like that, I wouldn't get a half-wit like you."

"Whoo." Then she called me a blankety, blankety name. Oh, my, if that'd been a year farther. I always said, "A man that'd strike a woman wasn't man enough to strike a man," but I--I might've broke that at that time calling my mother a bad name like that. But you know what? It never even fazed me. I said, "I will pray for you." Never bothered... I knowed right then something had happened to me. Yes, sir. Oh, my.

You know the evils that I done when I was a kid fighting? Almost killed five men at one time. Took a rifle loaded with sixteen shots, and when them boys beat me because I was a Kentuckian, no other reason... I couldn't even hold my head up. One would hold me by hands like this, and the other one'd stand there with a rock in his hand and pound me in the face, till I just lifeless. Nothing in the world...

They called me a "Kentucky squab," because my mother, when she was young, she sure looked like an Indian (looking at her picture awhile ago), and they knowed she was a half Indian. And because I was Kentucky and her being a squaw, they called me a "squab, a Kentucky squab." And I had nothing in the world to do into it; I couldn't help because I was born in Kentucky.

I went down there to school, and I didn't have no clothes to wear, and my hair hanging down my neck. And pop--mom took pop's old coat that he was married in, and cut it up and made me a pair of pants to wear to school my first time. And I... And she dressed me with a pair of white stockings on and a pair of tennis shoes. And they said, "If you don't look like a windy Kentuckian." And--and all--and that--and then, that went on all my--all my school days.

And a couple of boys, because I walked down the road with some little girl and packed her books... They didn't want me to do that, and they met me down there and beat me till I was simply unconscious. I told them, if they'd just let me go, I promise that I would go right straight home. And so they took--let me loose, kicked me four or five times, knocked me down, and scrapped my face all over. And I went home, like this, up through the broomsage field.

I had a little .22 Winchester rifle laying up over the door. Reached up and got that rifle full of bullets, went right down through the locust thicket, and hid by the side of the road till these five or six boys come along there. Just waited till they come, and when they was coming there, talking, said, "That Kentuckian will realize where he's at from this on," going on like that.

I stepped up with the hammer pulled back on the rifle. I said, "Now, which one of you wants to die first, so you won't watch the others?" They started squealing; I said, "Don't squeal, 'cause you're all going to die one by one." And I meant it. And just then they started squealing. And I pulled up and snap. The gun snapped. I throwed another shell in. Snap, it snapped; another shell, snap, it snapped. And I pumped sixteen shells on the ground. Every one of them snapped. And them boys running, and screaming, and diving over the hill, and everything.

And after they left, I stood there. When I'd get so angry, till I--I--I wouldn't cry; I would laugh like a idiot and tears run out of my eyes. Now, that's a temper. If it hadn't been for God, I'd been a murderer.

And I picked up them shells and put them back in the rifle, and, "Pow, pow"; they'd shoot just as good as ever. Talk about grace.


91 RESPECTS JEFF.IN V-13 N-4 61-1015E

Sometime ago in New Albany, while I was standing there talking to a sinner, leading him to Christ, a big old rough-handed man in the garage, a man was a friend of mine, his son-in-law run the garage next door. I was standing there preaching at a dinner hour, eating a sandwich and talking to him about God. Through the daytime I'd find somewhere where I could go at dinner time and try to win a soul to Christ. He said, "Mr. Branham," he said. I was just a boy preacher, myself. He said, "Mr. Branham," said, "my mother had that kind of religion, that heartfelt religion." And the tears was running down his cheeks.

I said, "How long she been gone?"

Said, "Years. She always prayed for me."

I said, "The God that heard her prayers is trying to answer them right now for her."

And this man walked in there, he said, "Hello." He was drunk. Said, "Hey, Billy, listen." Said, "Anytime you want to come over to my garage," said, "you come, but," said, "don't bring that old holy-roller religion of yours over there."

I turned and looked at him, I said, "Anywhere Christ is not welcome, I'll not be."

And so he turned around and said, "Ah, get next to yourself, boy."

And I just heard in my heart, a Voice say, "You reap what you sow. It would be better for you that a millstone was hanged at your neck, and drowned in the depths of the sea." And his own son-in-law, that very same afternoon, run over him with a two-ton Chevrolet truck loaded down, and mashed him down in the ground.

See, you've got to respect God. You've got to do, you... God demands respects, and He demands it.

And so Miriam ought to knowed better. So ought--ought Aaron to knowed better, than knowing this, that Moses was led by the Spirit of God to do what he was going to do.



I heard a fellow say not long ago... Well, he was kind of a... He was Hope's stepfather, and I was telling him about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. He said, "Now, who would believe a thing like that, 'less some kind of a bunch like you got up there?" He said, "You let So-and-so (a businessman here in the town, a wicked as all... ), let him say that he received the Holy Ghost, then I'd believe it."

I said, "Don't worry, he will never say it." The man died instantly without God. See? You be careful what you're doing; be careful what you're saying. You want a life worthy of the Gospel. That's right!



A woman dying, just as I run up the steps, when I was preaching right here, and a man standing right there at the door calling to me. She'd walked by. She lived up the street here and had a cow out there. And she said, "If my cow got that kind of religion that Billy's got, I'd kill the cow." In less than a hour from then she was stricken and taken to the hospital, a beautiful young woman. And I rushed out there. Her husband was Catholic, and they'd sent for me. She's dying, and she went; her eyes went to swelling out, she said, "Call him, call him, call him, call him, quickly, quickly."

And her brother run up and stood there at the door and waited and waited, and he kept motioning for me. The place just packed full of people, and after while somebody come around and put a note on the desk here, and said--said, "Someone's dying in a hospital." And I believe Brother Graham Snelling... I said, "Take my place till I go." And he was just standing up to lead the singing; he wasn't even called and to--to preach at that time. He come up to lead singing, and I went out, and got in my car, and rushed out there, and just as I was going up the steps, she drawed her last breath. And of course, the bowels and kidneys and everything act. And I run in there, and they'd done covered her face up, and steam coming up around like that; and that old nurse standing there, she said, "Brother Branham, she screamed her last breath for you." Trying to make it right, but it was too late then. You see? That's true. You can sin one time too many, you know. And she's kind of had, deep in her face...

She had auburn hair, a real pretty woman. And she, her bobbed hair was all bushed out, great big brown eyes had pushed out and just half closed. And the freckles on her face had gotten in such a way, such strain, till they just stood out like little bumps all over her face, and her mouth was open. And I walked over there and looked at her, and there her husband stood there and said, "Billy, here's what it was." Said, "I'm Catholic. I want you to say a prayer for her, 'cause she's gone to purgatory."

And I said, "What?"

Said, "Say a prayer for her." Said, "She's gone to purgatory. She passed by your church about two hours ago and said if our cow out there got your kind of religion, she'd kill the cow." See? Said, "Say a prayer for her."

I said, "That's too late; she should've purged her soul here, not till she gets somewhere else." See? That's right. Oh, yes. But we always want Him in a time of distress. People, I've heard them say, "I don't believe in God." Let him hurt himself right bad once, see the first one he'll call on.



I said, "Wonder if I could have a revival here?"

Said, "See the city official."

And I went down and asked him. He said, "Sure, if you'll put a meter in it."

I said, "Well, I work for the Utility Company, I'll put my own meter in."

He said, "All right."

I put the meter in, and announced around there that I was going to have a revival. I never will forget the first man I asked. I said, "Going to have a revival, sir, will you come?"

He said, "Say, we raise chickens around here. Ain't got time to go to no church."

I said, "Well, couldn't you just let the chickens alone for a little while and come to the meeting?"

He said, "Oh, we ain't time for nothing like that." Said, "I got my business to take care of." Said, "You take care of your own."

I said, "I didn't aim to hurt your feelings, sir."

About ten days from then, you know, they had to take out time to bury the man. He died. And so they buried him right down there in front of the church.



I know we ladies today--or you ladies, rather, wear hats. You say that's your covering. That's wrong. The Bible said a woman's covering is her hair. And if she cuts her hair, it's a common thing for her to pray. That right? That's Scripture. See? So now, women are supposed to wear long hair, regardless of what you want to think about it; that's what's THUS SAITH THE LORD.


I don't--I don't think God cares how a man cuts his hair, as long as he cuts it, because his head is God. But a woman's head is a man; therefore, she must... And if she cuts her hair, she dishonors her head. Then a dishonorable woman should be divorced and got away with. That right? So if a woman cuts her hair, she has--her husband has a absolutely Bible right to put her away in wrong living: a dishonorable person. How many knows that's the truth? What the Bible said, for she dishonors her head. No dishonorable woman should be lived with.


But in a man it's masculine alone. Therefore, he must cut that off because of Christ; but in the woman is feminish alone, so she could have her covering; because her husband is over her. He is her lord, her ruler; so therefore, she must have long hair.

And then, if she says she must--she has to cut it off, then let her be shaved. And said, if it's a shame or disgrace for a woman, who's supposed to look pretty, and having her hair all shaved off, then let her have her covering on her head; let her have long hair. See? So it's... Anybody... All explain it? I mean, does it sound all right? Say, "Amen." if it does, if you got it. See? [Congregation replies, "Amen."--Ed.] All right.

23-8 KNOWETH.IT.NOT JEFF.IN V-2 N-10 65-0815

And if your church, a Pentecostal church that tells you that long hair stuff is just fanaticism, "You've got a spare tire on the back of your head," and so forth, them kind of things, the man is possessed of the devil; for God's Word said it's a shame for a woman to cut her hair. She'll dishonor her head. And if she dishonors her husband, and her husband is the church, and the church is Christ... She is a dishonorable religious prostitute: naked and don't know it. Naked? Don't the Bible said the woman's covering is her hair? Isn't the hair give to her for a covering?

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