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From Bro. Paul Smarse, Georgia, USA,

Here's a little testimony, of how the Lord speaks to us today, through the Prophet.

"I went to get the sign rent at a little restaurant, but he had told me to pick the sign up this month. I was hoping he'd rent it this month too.

I have to buy a meal there each month and then I'd get the balance of the rent from him. He brought out the meal and I ate it, as I read the Book, My Life Story, by Bro. Branham. I was hoping he'd see the Book, and want to borrow it, but he never would come out of the back room where he cooked.

So I got to praying, but nothing happened, so I was going to get up and leave and load the sign on my truck. But then I read on page 16, "Just remain in your seat."

That was the Lord talking to me! I was a little shocked, but felt it was the Lord telling me to remain in my seat. So I started praying, "Lord, what do I say to him?" Then I started praying in tongues (quietly), not knowing what the Lord was praying thru me. We call that praying in the Spirit.

The thought came to me, if only one person read the sign each day, and bought a meal, the sign would pay for it self.

I read some more and there it was again, "Just remain at your seat." Now my faith, which had dropped low, was now rising.

Then I read a little more and the Word said, "wherever you are, just remain in your seat." That was it for me- three witnesses!

The man was only paying by the month for the sign. He came out of the back room, and I told him, "You know, if only one person came in to eat each day, after reading the sign, the sign would pay for itself." So this real gruff person gave me the money.

See, God still speaks today! He spoke though the Word that He gave the Prophet. That's why I believe that God spoke through the Prophet, because God constantly confirms to me, what the Prophet said.

This is not something that happened 20 years ago, this happened to me today!" (Bro. Paul Smarse, Dahlonega, GA USA)

From Ghana, West Africa,

"I have written to say I appreciate very much the Quotes Books you have been sending to me here. They have been arriving always early and in fact, the recent Booklet is on Angels and I'm very greatful. It has been a blessing.

Again I am asking that if there is one in print, the PRAYER AND POWER Quotes Book, if even you can send an old one, I will be very happy."(Bro. Paul Kwofie, Ghana, West Africa).

From Bro. Dolph Winters, Homer, Louisiana USA

"Testimony of George, my youngest son, when he was about 10-12 years old. He's 18 now.

He came to me in the kitchen and said, 'Dad, why aren't those warts gone?'(He had three or four big ones, like pencil erasers on his knees).

He said, 'You prayed, and why didn't God make them go away?'

I was stumped. I didn't know what to say. I thought, Lord help me, what can I say?

Before I knew what was happening, these words were coming out of my mouth! 'Do you believe?'

He said, 'Yes!'

I said, 'When?'

He said, 'Right now!'

I said, 'That's it. That's fine.'

As I remember, he came back to me the next day and said, 'Dad, look they're all, gone!'

I said, 'What?'

He said, 'My warts, they're gone!

I was amazed, and praised God. (Bro. Dolph Winters, Homer, Louisiana, USA)

Another testimony from Bro. Winters, Homer, Louisiana, USA)

"Testiomy of Timothy, my 3rd. youngest son. He was about 17 years old. He's 23 now.

He had a friend, William, visiting. (William was killed 3 or 4 years later). Tim came to me and said, 'This syst (or whatever it was), this thing on the side of my foot is really hurting me.'

It was 1/2" X 2"long.

He asked, 'Would you pray for me?'

I thought, we have prayed before for this with no results. We'll have to take him to the doctor soon. Now, he's putting me on the spot. I thought, Lord help us.

I started to pray; not knowing how or what to say. It came out, 'Lord, let my hands be your hands as I touch this thing. I rebuke it in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that it go.'

His friend, William, watched as Tim put his sock and shoe on.

An hour or so later, William asked, 'Tim, how is, your foot?'

I was watching; Tim took his shoe and sock off. As I looked, all I could see was a smoothe pink spot and no more pain. I was so amazed, and shocked, I had to close my mouth so as to not show my unbelief.

As our Prophet said, 'Unbelief does not hinder the Lord!' (Bro. Dolph Winters, Homer, Louisiana, USA)


From Zambia, Central Africa,

"Bro. Paul, I really appreciate very much for the work and your ministry which the Lord God has put in you. It has been a great help in my ministry. Ever since I began communicating with you, there has been a tremendous change and spiritual growth. Thus, I always don't forget to remember you in my prayers. God richly bless you." (Bro. Gershom Chikungu, Zambia, Central Africa).

From Sierra Leone, W.Africa,

"Please be informed that I have received the Quotes Books and the song tape you sent me. Oh, brother, as I always says that your Quotes Books really inspire. And this I want to share as a testimony to you that I always received you Quotes Books the right time. Most times I received you Quotes Books just after I preached about sermons like that or at times I received them just when I am preparing to preach about that. So I really love and appreciate your Quotes Books. To me, they are confirmation that indeed God lives and real and speaks and teach and leads and guide. May the Lord continue to keep you strong and healthy for this service, and He continue to anoint you the more and to be sending the right Quotes Books at the right times." (Bro. Michael Nyuna, Sierra Leone, W. Africa).

From Ghana, W. Africa,

"Bro. I love your Quotes books too much. The reason I likes your Quotes Books is (1) You always said what the Prophet said (W.M.B.). (2) Your Quotes had been made me know many things which I had know not. (3) Your Quotes is different from many ministers (in Truth). (4) You said what Bible said." (Bro. Yaw Boadu Daniel, Ghana, W. Africa).

From Georgia, USA


Let me show you how God worked with me over this week end, so you'll have a little idea of how He works with one individual person. He works with each person according to his nature.

The Benson's had sent me 3 tapes of Bro. Bob's preaching. By this I knew they wanted to see me again. So I started to pray, because I had my home Church on my heart and Bro. Benson's Church on my heart. But you can see, I had no choice, God was working His will, because I had asked Him to do His will, not mine.

My bandages on my legs had to be changed. If Bro. Salas changed them, I could go to Bro. Benson's, but if he didn't, then I'd have to go to Bro. Cecil, in McCaysville, to have them changed.

The Lord didn't give me a leading. Many times He leads me by circumstances. Bro. Salas called real late, and he didn't want to change my bandages Saturday, but said he would change them after church on Sunday- trying to get me to go to his church, and not follow the leading of the Lord. So I knew I was headed to McCaysville, my home church.

I almost fell asleep several times while driving up there. See God sent a sleepy spirit on me to get me to spend the night with the Seabolts, because I would have driven right home after church. They had asked me to stay a dozen times, but I had been putting it off. But this time I had no choice.

I had promised Tommy that I'd fellowship with him after church some, so I asked the Seabolts if I could spend the night with them, after I fellowshipped with the brethern and they said yes. So we went to Taco Bell's and had a delightful time of fellowship. Then I drove up to McCaysville to the Seabolts.

We talked about the Word for a couple of hours, me reading from the ADOPTION Quotes, then we went to bed early. I spent the night, we got up early, had breakfast, and I left. But this time with them was like a vacation for me and I was delighted. I had wonderful fellow with the Bro. Padgett & Bro. Joel and the others and then with the Seabolt's, a perfect week end, even though I was in real bad pain all week end.

I got 2/3's the way home, and the pain was so bad, I had to stop and get out and stretch some. Another circumstance to get me to see Lavern and Clarence Kincaid.

I had been praying for them, and the last time I heard he was in an oxygen tent just barely able to breathe. I wanted to see if he was still alive. I was shocked to see that he was doing fine.

(1) I would have gone to Cumming instead of my home church, but the Lord gave me no choice and sent me to my home church.

(2) If I had not promised Tommy I'd fellowship with him the next time, I would have left with the Seabolt's right after church, but the Lord knew I needed a special lift, after a rough week.

(3) I would not have spent the night with the Seabolt's, but the Lord knew I needed a little vacation and refreshing so He made me too sleepy to drive home that night, and I slept over at the Seabolt's.

(4) I would not have stopped to see the Kincaid's & see how God had answered our prayers, if the pain wasn't so bad.

See, the Lord even controls the devil, and He used the devil to get me to do God's will. You might think that's cruel, but that's Scriptural. Read the Book of Psalms and see what a man after God's own heart had to go through. Jesus was perfected by the things He suffered, and so must we. See, if I had done my will in each of these 4 cases, I would have missed the will of God.

We've got to die to our own selves, & our thoughts and & our own ideas, and ways. His way is so much higher than our ways, because He knows what we need. We don't.

From Ghana, West Africa,

"I have written to say I appreciate very much the Quotes Books you have been sending to me here. They have been arriving always early and in fact, the recent Booklet is on Angels and I'm very greatful. It has been a blessing.

Again I am asking that if there is one in print, the PRAYER AND POWER Quotes Book, if even you can send an old one, I will be very happy."(Bro. Paul Kwofie, Ghana, West Africa).

Testimony from Bro. Winters, Homer, Louisiana, USA)

"Testiomy of Timothy, my 3rd. youngest son. He was about 17 years old. He's 23 now.

He had a friend, William, visiting. (William was killed 3 or 4 years later). Tim came to me and said, 'This syst (or whatever it was), this thing on the side of my foot is really hurting me.'

It was 1/2" X 2"long.

He asked, 'Would you pray for me?'

I thought, we have prayed before for this with no results. We'll have to take him to the doctor soon. Now, he's putting me on the spot. I thought, Lord help us.

I started to pray; not knowing how or what to say. It came out, 'Lord, let my hands be your hands as I touch this thing. I rebuke it in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that it go.'

His friend, William, watched as Tim put his sock and shoe on.

An hour or so later, William asked, 'Tim, how is, your foot?'

I was watching; Tim took his shoe and sock off. As I looked, all I could see was a smoothe pink spot and no more pain. I was so amazed, and shocked, I had to close my mouth so as to not show my unbelief.

As our Prophet said, 'Unbelief does not hinder the Lord!' (Bro. Dolph Winters, Homer, Louisiana, USA)

From McCaysville, Georgia, USA.

"I remember as a child growing up, God was with us through lots of trials and in sicknesses.

I remember the death of my father at 36 years of age. He was shot and killed by his best friend, while he was passed out drunk. Oh, the hurt of all this, when I was only six years old.

I had two sisters and 3 brothers, one was older & one younger. Oh, what hurt and suffering for Mom and us, with her having to be both a mother and father to us children. Many times we did without, but God would always make a way for us.

Mom wasn't always a church going mother, but I'm sure she was a praying mom. She said before she passed on that she was always a believer.

I thank God He placed a desire in my heart to go to His house and try to do what was right. I went to the Baptist Chruch, because it was close enough to walk to. I enjoyed going and the singing for the Lord, and I remembered how God would bless. I never wanted to belong there, or be baptized in their faith, but I didn't know why. But God was leading me on toward the truth.

I went to the Church of God some, when I stayed with my sister, and enjoyed going there much more than going to the Baptist church. But I didn't want to belong there either, nor did I want their baptism. I see now that God was holding me for the Message of our day. Mom, never made me go to church, but I just knew in my heart that I had to go.

I was married at 33 years of age. When I came into this Message, and I never doubted it. I knew this was right, and just what I had been searching for all of my life.

I thank God that my three children were raised in the truth, and I believe God will keep them as He has always kept me.

My God has kept me through nine surgeries. The last one, radical mastectomy, for breast cancer, I guess was the most difficult. God was with me through my surgeries, and is still healing my body now, as I recuperate six months later.

God alone knows how long I will be here on this earth, but I will go to His house and worship Him and sing praises to Him as long as He lets me live.

I just thank God for the wonderful Christian husband and fine family and brothers and sisters in the Lord, He has blessed me with.

I believe God has a time and place for my children to come to Him, just as He did for me and my husband.

I guess I fail Him every day, but I'm so glad we have a forgiving, merciful, and saving God, or we would all be doomed.

I thank God for this truth, and for sending Bro. Branham, His servant. I never got to meet him, however I believe his Message. I know that God is able to keep those of us He has chosen to be part of His Bride. I'm looking forward to being caught up with Him in the air when He comes to claim His own.

God has come down many times to heal my body, and my chilren's bodies, when they were sick, according to our faith in Him. He truely is the healer of all diseases, and I truly love Him for first loving me. Pray for me that I will always be in the center of His will." (Marilyn Seabolt..McCaysville, GA- USA)


From a brother in Australia,


"About ten years ago, when I was a believer in the infancy stage (not yet in the Message), I was cycling to a house fellowship on a Saturday evening. I was also an addicted Chess player at that time.

As I neared the place where I was supposed, to fellowship, I thought, I haven't had a shave and also my shirt is a bit old, so I'll skip the fellowship and go to the Chess Club to play chess. I headed in the direction of the Chess Club.

I was cycling in a dark deserted road when I heard a voice clearly speak in my right ear, 'Turn around and go back!'

I almost fell off my cycle! I looked all around. There was not a soul in sight! It was a voice you simply could not disobey!

I turned my cycle around immediately and rushed to the direction of the fellowship. I was excited and my heart was pumping hard. My addiction to Chess was also taken out then. I knew it was the voice of the Lord!

In my heart, I was secretly happy that He was a God who cared. I did not share this experience with the others in the fellowship, because nobody would have believed me." (By Bro. Sujendra Premaka, Australia).

From Zambia, Central Africa,

"Bro. Paul, I really appreciate very much for the work and your ministry which the Lord God has put in you. It has been a great help in my ministry. Ever since I began communicating with you, there has been a tremendous change and spiritual growth. Thus, I always don't forget to remember you in my prayers. God richly bless you." (Bro. Gershom Chikungu, Zambia, Central Africa).

From Sierra Leone, W.Africa,

"Please be informed that I have received the Quotes Books and the song tape you sent me. Oh, brother, as I always says that your Quotes Books really inspire. And this I want to share as a testimony to you that I always received you Quotes Books the right time. Most times I received you Quotes Books just after I preached about sermons like that or at times I received them just when I am preparing to preach about that. So I really love and appreciate your Quotes Books. To me, they are confirmation that indeed God lives and real and speaks and teach and leads and guide. May the Lord continue to keep you strong and healthy for this service, and He continue to anoint you the more and to be sending the right Quotes Books at the right times." (Bro. Michael Nyuna, Sierra Leone, W. Africa).

From Ghana, W. Africa,

"Bro. I love your Quotes books too much. The reason I likes your Quotes Books is (1) You always said what the Prophet said (W.M.B.). (2) Your Quotes had been made me know many things which I had know not. (3) Your Quotes is different from many ministers (in Truth). (4) You said what Bible said." (Bro. Yaw Boadu Daniel)

 Testimony from Tanzania, East Africa,

"The Quotes have been of great help in my ministry here. Your Quote Books have always been meeting my most pressing needs in the ministry. I have been using them for preparing sermons.

We thank God for using your ministry to inspire ours and by that, your ministry is reaching out to thousands. Some have been photocopying the same."

(From Zephaniah Peters, Tanzania, East Africa)

Testimony from a brother from Africa,

"There was a sister, three months after she believed the Message, this incident happened. One day, the son of this sister was playing with some friends in one of the incomplete buildings near their house. So, as they were playing, the little boy fell from the top floor of the building and his head hit the ground.

They rushed him to the hospital and the doctor said that the boy was dead. So, the husband of the sister, said that they should go and bury the boy, but the sister refused. She said the boy can't die as for the God of William Branham is still alive.

The doctor, who knew what he was talking about, just left the room. The sister began to pray. And to the glory of God, the boy came back to life. And when the doctor heard that the boy was alive, he was surprised, and couldn't reason it. It was God, Who is, 'The same yesterday, and today and forever.'"

(From Cornelius Adjarbo, Nigeria West Africa)

From Kenya, East Africa,

"I'm very fine in the Lord. I have grown spiritually very much because of the Quotes you have been sending me. They have been of great use to me. I believe God has given you a gift of a teacher and it will be of great use to His Kingdom."

( From Bro. Mutea Rukwaru, Kenya, East Africa)

From Uganda. East Africa,

"I was invited to minister in the deeper villages of our country (Uganda), and this is where I met with a minister of God and I got a chance of reading through the copy of the book, "PRAYER AND POWER," printed by your ministry. The Message in this book is very touching, and inspiring, and vital to the growing Church.

So, for this reason, I request you, brother, to send me some copies of that book, plus any other type of Message of the Prophet, if possible.

I've been directed to open up a new church, far away from where we're at in town. So this book will help me very much in this work."

(Bro. Paul Kyaterckera, Uganda, East Africa).

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