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INVASION.OF.THE.USA_  JEFF.IN  V-26 N-1  SUNDAY_  54-0509,  23    I wish now to call our attention to the Word. And I just love the Word, the living Word of God. It's... Inside the Word is the Life. Now, the Word, letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth Life. And Life is in the Word, because it's the Word of God. Life lays in Its Word.

INVASION.OF.THE.USA_  JEFF.IN  V-26 N-1  SUNDAY_  54-0509,  104,    Children that are hungry, they'll eat from a garbage can. It's up to the Church of the living God to feed them the true living Word of the--of God.
MELCHISEDEC.THE.GREAT.PRINCE_  JEFF.IN  SUNDAY_  55-0109M,  E-8    Now, today we are studying in God's blessed Word. If you remember, the last message was in the book of Hebrews. Marvelous to study the Word of God, It gives us Eternal Life. Jesus said, "Search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have Eternal Life, and They are They which testify of Me." And how lovely to know that He has blessed us, to give us the living Word. God is in His Word.
FUNDAMENTAL.FOUNDATION.FOR.FAITH_  CHICAGO.IL  THURSDAY_  55-0113,  E-39    Then unconsciously your faith is there. You don't have to worry about whether you got faith enough to do this, or faith enough to do that. It's just there anyhow. You just do it because the Father said so. And it's the living Word in you, and God's in you, manifesting Hisself just like He was in Christ. You say, "As He was in Christ?" Yes, sir.
He said, "The works that I do shall you also; even more than this for I go to My Father." Now, that's His Word, Saint John 14:12. He gave that promise. Everyone will believe that was inspired.
  E-53    There's where his faith was anchored. There's where every man and woman faith to be anchored tonight is upon the living Word of God. You believe that, you can put it in action.
ALL.THE.DAYS.OF.OUR.LIFE_  CHICAGO.IL  FRIDAY_  59-0612,  E-10    And I ask that You'll speak to us through Thy Word tonight, and make it a living Word to our hearts and minds. Then Lord, we'd pray for this convention closing out, we thank You for what it's meant to all of us. The Seed that's been sown into our hearts, God, may It grow and grow and grow.
DECEIVED.CHURCH.BY.THE.WORLD_  JEFF.IN  CH 67  SUNDAY_  59-0628M,     2    Now, let us lay aside, Lord, every toil of the day, every care of this life, all the way from the janitor to the pastor, that there would be nothing in our minds now, but be waiting, listening reverently for the Holy Spirit to speak to us, that we might accomplish something good, to know more of Thee, by our gathering together. For, Lord, truly that's why we come on this hot day. Speak to us through Thy living Word, and let the living Word dwell in us and abide in us, that we might be shaped and formed, not to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of our spirit into the form of the Son of God.
PERGAMEAN.CHURCH.AGE_  JEFF.IN  ROJC 229-285  WEDNESDAY_  60-1207,  91    Now, if He is the living Word, then this wrote on the Bible is part of Him; then if you can receive this into Him, which is the Word, this Word comes into you by faith makes It alive, because the... Oh, catch That. The Word comes into you, if the Holy Spirit's in there, It's alive as soon as It comes in, and every promise is true. Nothing... "Therefore, if you say to this mountain 'Be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart." Because what? You are Deity speaking. You believe it? The Bible said so. And whatever you say shall come to pass if you'll not doubt, if you can get all of the--the world bred out of you, let the Holy Spirit make you a full son or daughter of God (no world, no condemnation, no doubt). What is it then? It's no more you; it's God in you. Then you take His Word; It's a promise, and say, "Father, it's Your promise." "Satan..." Something's got to move. See, see?
  E-45    Now, listen. Does not the Bible say that--that in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God; and the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us? Now, to you Bible readers, does not the Book of Hebrews tell us in the 4th chapter that the Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword piercing to the asunder of the marrow of the bone, and a discerner of the thoughts of the heart? The Word, and when the living Word, which is Christ, comes into our midst, is not It--It's still a discerner of the thoughts of the heart? The living Word, Christ, the living Word. He is the Word, and He's the living Word.
This is the letter Word, and when the letter Word is brought with the living Word, It's sharper than a two-edged sword and a discerner of the thoughts of the heart. Jesus looked upon His audience and perceived their thoughts. Some of them stood by and said, "He's a fortuneteller. He's Beelzebub, a devil."
Jesus said, "I forgive you for that, calling the Spirit of God an evil thing, an evil work. I forgive you for that, but someday the Holy Spirit's coming; and you speak one word against That, it'll never be forgiven you in this world or the world to come."
IT.WASN'T.SO.FROM.THE.BEGINNING_  BLOOMINGTON.IL  TUESDAY_  61-0411,  E-57    Oh, he knowed he had Somebody there besides Eve then. He couldn't hybrid this One. No, sir. Why? He come to breed back to Adam's race a living faith in the living Word of the living God. And He proved right there by His action, that the weakest saint on earth can beat the devil upon the written Word of God. He was God Himself manifested in flesh, had powers without limit. But He never used them. What did He do? He defeated Satan on the same thing that Satan defeated Eve on. Amen. He pulled the wool over him that time.
When he whitewashed the Word of God to Eve and she believed it... But when he come to try to whitewash it with Jesus, he failed. Yes, sir. He failed because He stayed with the Father's Word, said, "It is written, Thou shall worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve."
What did he do? Satan said he left Him alone, 'cause He took the Word of God. It wasn't no hybrid to Him. He was the unadulterated virgin born Son of the living God. He wasn't whitewashing Him, whitewashing the Word, wasn't hybreeding Him. No, and He--He had been borned of God. He came from God; He went to God; He stayed on God's Word. He never varied from It one bit. When He come, He performed the signs of the Messiah that the Bible said He would perform, and the unbelieving, hybrid church in that day didn't believe it.
How many believes then Hebrews 4 where It said, "The Word of God..." which is Christ, is that right? He is the living Word. "The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, and even a discerner of the thoughts of the heart." Back to the Word again, and the Word is with us.

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