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( Notes and Excerpts from the Holy Script)

JAMES 5:15
"And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him."

MARK 16:17
"And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils… they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."


( Notes and Excerpts from Dr. Bill Branham's Messages)

" Now, Divine healing is not a hocus-pocus. It isn't touching a totem pole or pouring some mysterious stuff from--that's run out of somebody's hands on you. Divine healing is an act of faith in the finished work of Calvary. That's just as purely the Gospel as I know how to place it. It's a finished work that Christ died for at Calvary. "He was wounded for our transgressions; with His stripes we were healed."
Now, healing is not on the same basis as salvation. When you're borned again, you receive a new spirit, new Life, Immortal, cannot die. But when you're healed, it's just an attribute of the Divine love of God that healed you temporarily for a while. Your body must be borned again just like your soul.You will die. Lazarus was raised from the grave but died again. See? But if there is no Divine healing, which is the earnest of our resurrection, there is no resurrection.
And if there is no freedom from sin, and living above sin, and free from sin, then there is no heaven to go to. This is just the earnest of our salvation that we have now through the works of the Holy Spirit.
So Divine healing has already been purchased for every creature. It's your faith in the finished work of Calvary.
Let me just show you a little something. Of all the fine medicines we got (to settle this)... Now, I was interviewed. Many of you read the "Reader's Digest" of the miracle of Donny Martin.
And I was interviewed at Mayo Brothers Clinic on account of that, 'cause Mayo's had turned him down. And the vision told him who he was, where he come from, what was going to happen. And that's just the way it was, and the baby was healed.
And they wrote it up in "Reader's Digest." And when I asked them there, I said, "Don't you believe that God heals?" They said... Took me in an old room there and showed a great, big place where Jimmy Mayo used to have, said, "We do not profess to be healers. We only profess to assist nature. There's one Healer; that is God." And that's our best.
For instance, what if I cut my hand tonight with a knife? There isn't a medicine in all the world can heal a knife cut. Did you know that? If it'll heal a knife cut in my hand, it'll heal a knife cut in my coat. It'll heal a knife cut in this desk.
"Well," you say, "Brother Branham, I believe you're wrong, there." No, if it'll heal a knife cut, it'll heal it regardless of where it's at. Water that's wet in here will be wet out there. A gun that'll fire in here will fire out there. If it'll heal a knife cut, it'll heal a knife cut anywhere.
But you say, "Brother Branham, medicine wasn't made to heal a knife cut in your coat. It was heal--made to heal your body." All right. For ins--for instance, I cut my hand tonight and I fall down dead. And they pronounce me dead, take me down to the morgue, and embalm my body with the fluid that'll make me look natural for fifty years.
They send tomorrow for your best doctor in Tennessee. Next week they send for the best doctor in the nation. Next week they send for the best doctor in Germany. And they put penicillin, sulfur drugs, sew it up, everything they want to do. In fifty years from now that cut will look just exactly like it did the minute it was cut.
If medicine heals the body, then why don't it heal the human body? "Well," you say, "the life has gone out, Brother Branham. That's different." Sure. Then is it the medicine that heals or is it life that heals? Now, you tell me what life is and I'll tell you Who God is. God does the healing.
Medicine does not build tissue; God builds tissue. A doctor can set an arm, but he can't heal an arm. He leaves it there for God to heal. A doctor can take a appendix out, but what about the hole he cut it out? He could pull a tooth, but who stops the blood? Who heals the place up where the tooth come out the socket? God, if it's ever healed. Correctly.
So God--God's Word never fails. There's not one flaw with It. God heals all our diseases. Now, that don't mean that we don't need hospitals, and we don't... Oh, yes, we do, absolutely. I'm for them and pray for them, and for the research of science to find something to help us. Every little aid they can give is wonderful, but it don't heal. God does the healing. That's right.
And when they give you, like penicillin and things for a bad cold, what does it do? It doesn't heal. It's just like rat poison, putting out; it poisons the rats. That's the germs that's in your body. It doesn't heal. God has to build that up where it's been destroyed. See? So God is the Healer on every Word every time. He's the Healer. "


" Now, I know that is the truth, because I have tried it. But now, if you've got unconfessed sin in your heart, it sure won't work. You've got to confess your sin. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ; accept Him as your Healer, just like you would as your Saviour.
They say, " Is Divine healing lasting, Brother Branham?" Just as long as faith is lasting. When you get to a place that you say that you're not saved no more, remember, you're lost your ground right there. When your confession goes down, then your faith goes down.
And now, the first thing that Hebrews says this that Jesus Christ is the High Priest making intercessions upon our confession." And before God could do one thing for you, you have to first, confess that He was done it. He's the High Priest of our... 'Course, the King James says, "professing," and profess and confess is the same word. See? Profess that it is, or confess that He is. See? Profess, I profess I'm a Christian, or confess I'm a Christian. Makes no difference.
And then, and the woman touching His garment, it said, "Thy faith has saved thee."
( JEHOVAH.JIREH.3.title YAKIMA.WA 60-0803)


"Go ye and sin no more, or a worse thing come upon you." Jesus said, "Which is easier to do? Say thy sins be forgiven thee, or take up thy bed and walk"? It's all on the same.
And so I believe in James 5:14, said, "If any among you are sick, let them call the elders of the church; let them anoint them in oil and pray over them. The prayer of faith shall save the sick, if they've done any sin, it shall be forgiven them. Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that you may be healed."
That's the duty of every Christian minister. Every minister of the Gospel has a right to pray for his congregation, and they have a right to believe God and be healed. Divine healing doesn't belong to one man or one group. It belongs to all the people. The gift of healing was not given, to be sent out to have different healing campaigns across the country. It's all right for them to be, but that isn't the purpose. There ought to be a healing campaign in every church, all the time, going on everywhere."


" Now, let me quote the lexicon, that's the original Greek. Here's the way it reads. "If thou shall say to this mountain, 'Be ye lifted up and thrown into the sea,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you have said is coming to pass, you can have what you say."
When you said, "Mountain, be moved," and it still stands there, you say, "Well, it didn't happen?" Oh, it did happen. When you said, "Mountain, move," maybe one little significant grain of sand turned loose out of the hundreds of billions and billions of tons. One little grain moved, but it's begin to take place. Hold that faith and watch that mountain disappear. Certainly.
Thou shall say in thy heart, "Disease, move from my child. Disease, move from my body in the Name of the Lord Jesus," and don't doubt. Right there the good germs take on a new armor and a new weapon, and the enemy begins to back up. He's defeated because Christ, in the drinking of His myrrh at Calvary, defeated the devil and every one of his powers. And He stripped him of everything he had, and he's nothing but a bluff; he can go through with it, he will do it."
( GREAT.SHINING.LIGHT.title JEFF.IN V-24 N-1 57-1222)


"I like to tell this. I know it's taking a lot of your time, but a few days--oh, it's not a few days, few--about two years ago, there was one sent to Germany, and on the cloth it says, "If your--your pastor is a believer, call him in. If you've done any sin, confess it, make everything right. God will not heal, only under conditions. See? So call your pastor in, and if you've did any wrong, confess it. The Bible said, 'Confess your faults one to another; pray one for the other that you might be healed. For the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much.'" And I say, "If you're--if you have no pastor that believes in healing, maybe you got a neighbor that believes in healing, some member of the church, someone that you can talk to and--and confide in."
And this little German woman called in some neighbor women and she said, "If I've done anything wrong, I'm willing to make it right; I know nothing about it." She'd been an invalid in a wheelchair for twenty some odd years. So they prayed and took the handkerchief out of the letter, laid it on the little German woman, and on the back of the page where they give the translation of her testimony, she said, "Now, old man devil, you've been in me long enough, so get out." She just get up out of that wheelchair and went walking on. Now, it's just that. Yes, sir. "Old man devil, you've held me long enough. Now, get out of me," and just got right up and walked away. Now, that's just how simple it is."


" If your arm's broke, it's--it's your duty to go to the doctor, and let him set that arm, then ask God to heal it. See? That's--that's right. But now wait. What if that cancer, he can't cut it out? What if the roots is scattered out like this? Then there's only one thing left, that's that's God, the Almighty... They have no medicine that would poison that germ, as yet. God will help them to find something, is my prayer.
But now, in the case of Divine healing, what happens? The life, not the cancer, the body, the life of that cancer, which was the inside of that germ, the life that started developing in the first place, is rebuked, and brought out by Jesus Christ, and took away from you. The body's still...
Say for instance, like this lady setting here, what if she was a cancer on the earth, and I wanted to get rid of her in the way of Divine healing? I'd just call her life out of her, her body would fall down. Well, her body's still here, just the same as it is now. You see? But what's happened to the lady? She's dead. All right. Just give her enough time.
Now, the first thing that a happens to a patient, usually they feel good, right away. They go to feeling good. "Thank the Lord. Well, Brother Branham, I--I wasn't able to eat for a long time. I can eat anything now."
Now, be careful just a moment. Now, in a ordinary in the procedure, and many know this, they'll get like that for about seventy-two hours, 'cause anybody in here... How many hunters is in here? Let's see your hands, that's hunted wild game, let's see your hands. All right.
Did you ever kill a deer today, tell the boys how much it weighed? Be careful when you put him on the scale in the morning, he isn't going to weigh that much. Is that right? If there's a butcher here, if there's a undertaker here, will know the same thing.
Our human body... They'll take the artificial eye, or false teeth out, because the body will shrink for the first seventy-two hours, it'll start shrinking--shrinking away. And then after it lays so long, then it starts swelling again, it's deteriorating, swelling up. And like the little animal laying out on the road, he's killed. Let him lay there in the sun about seventy-two hours, why he's heavier then than he was in the beginning. He weighs more. A human body weighs more after it starts deteriorating, it swells up. Any animal does, any body, any human flesh, or other flesh, it begins to deteriorate, and it swells up.
Now, nine times out of ten, if the patient isn't instructed on what to do, right there they lose out. See? They say, "Well, I feel so good. I just feel so wonderful."
And then about--after about seventy-two hours, they get a sick spell. They start getting sick. They say, "Oh, I've lost my healing. Oh, I thought Brother Branham told me, 'In the Name of the Lord...?...'"
That's the best sign in the world that you're healed. See? The thing's dead; it's swelling up. What if a lump of flesh as big as my hand, was on the inside of you, and it was, this as plain, where it was rottening in you? The heart stream has to pack off the impurities and--and any infectional sore, fever...?... You know that. Then it's got... Your blood and stream has to purify your body; that's what it's for. God put it that there for that purpose. And then the people say, "I've lost my healing."
Why, brother or sister, that's when you've got your healing. But you go along, just...?... and--and for... "Well, Lord, You--You didn't treat me right," something like that.
The faith that taken away unbelief, will resurrect it again. When you take your stand for Jesus Christ, stay there and die by it. What God says is the truth, and don't you fear what... Satan hasn't got anything to do about it. Don't argue with him; don't fuss with him. Just ignore him and walk away. If you fuss with him, he will keep you fussing day and night. See? "Well," he will say, "You know you're not healed."
You'll say, "Well, now, look, Satan, I want to tell you something." Don't say it. Just say, "Get away, I don't want to hear nothing about you." And walk on, and say, "Thank You, Lord." Go on. See? Don't pay any attention to it. (GOD.TESTIFYING.OF.HIS.GIFTS.title HAMMOND.IN 52-0713E)


" If... I've often made this statement, that you couldn't---that you could not by any means... If a serpent or some animal had his paw in my side and was cutting into my side and killing me, there's no need of me trying to cut his paw off; just hit him in the head. Kill his head; it kills the whole body.
Well, that's the way it is with Divine healing. When Jesus dealt with sickness or sin at Calvary, He had to deal with the head of it, which was sin. And doing so, He dealt with sickness with it. He didn't have just to cut off the paw; He just killed the head and taken care of the rest of it. So Jesus come to bring to the human race, everything that--that Adam's race was--that Adam's sin destroyed in the garden of Eden. And now, we have the attributes or the earnest of our eternal salvation as we accept Christ as our Saviour or Christ as our Healer. We have those earnest money of our entire redemption when He comes.
We're tempted. All of us are tempted. All of us sin. There's none without sin. Every day you sin. Paul said he had to die daily. And if we say we sin--and have no sin, then the Bible says we make God to lie. And we could not do that. So we sin daily. And it's grace, God's grace, that saves us.
And as we confess our wrongs, God's just to forgive them. And your--your confession, as long as it holds good, your salvation is perfect, same is it was Divine healing. It's your personal faith in a resurrected Lord Jesus." (CONTENDING.FOR.THE.FAITH.title GEORGETOWN.IN 56-0200)


" And Divine healing is not something that's just a, oh, a totem pole or a hocus-pocus. It's a Divine truth written in the Word of God, confirmed by the Holy Spirit. And it's not limited to any denomination, people, creed, color. It's to whosoever will, just as salvation is. It is a--a product of a finished work that we receive by faith in the great vicarious suffering and triumph resurrection of the Lord Jesus.
So much is said today about healing and the different ways that it is approached. And there seems to be so much confusion about healing. As I tried last night with all my heart to make it clear, that there is no other healing but Divine healing. God alone stands in healing.
Now, we certainly admire all that science has given us, but science is not a healing. Science is an assistant to the body. God does the healing. Science can set your arm. Science can move a tooth. Science can take out appendix or a tumor, but never can science produce a re-creation. Creation is God alone. And God has healed every person that was ever healed. No matter what hospital, or doctor office, what clinic he went to, God did the healing. God does not share His glory with no one. He said He wouldn't. And He said, "I'm the Lord that heals all thy diseases." So we realize that many things has been done by hospital work, and by what the Lord has sent our doctors and science to do. And to that we are thankful and grateful.
Now, we find many of them doctors and science--scientists who does not believe in God. And we find ministers the same way, just about, I believe, more unbelieving ministers in Divine healing I have seen than I have doctors. Now, that is true with a worldwide travel. It's too bad, but we have them.
Now, we notice when we're approaching on the medical side... Now, the medical doctor says that the... Now, not in every case, no time... But many times the medical doctors will say, "The surgeon's wrong. They don't need an operation."
The surgeon will say, "He don't need them sugar pills. You need an operation." The... Both of them will say that the chiropractor's crazy. And the chiropractor will say the osteopathic. And one will with another, and many times they don't want the preacher to pray for the sick.
But I have come to this conclusion, that when you see attitudes like that, the motive behind it is wrong. We have to admit that there's been many lives saved and helped by operations, many helped by medicine, many helped by chiropractic, many helped by osteopathic, and many healed by prayer. So if the right kind of a motive was behind it, we'd put our arms together and march forward to try to help our suffering friends, humanity, the minister, the doctor, the chiropractor, the osteopathic, all together.
But when you see men who runs someone else down when the man is proving he's doing a good work, then there's a selfish motive behind it. It's either for money, or fame, or for something. God wants us to work every one hand in hand to try to make life's journey a little more pleasant as we're journeying through. But, oh, it seems to be in this day and time, that there's so many things that's looked upon like that in the wrong light. And not only in this day, but in other days we find it the same way."


" For instance, if I was starving for--to--was dying of starvation, and a loaf of bread would save my life, and the purchase of a loaf of bread is twenty-five cents, and someone gave me the twenty-five cents, now, I can... Just as much as I can see, and know that I hold that twenty-five cents, which is the buying power of the loaf of bread, I can be just as happy with the twenty-five cents as I could be with the loaf of bread (See?), for I already have the purchasing power that buys the loaf of bread.
So that's the way faith is. Faith is something that you have. You know you got it. And when you receive faith that God is, then that God is going to give you this... Yet your healing might not be there, but yet, something has anchored within you that tells you that it's going to be all right. Then you can be just as happy as you were... You can be just as happy setting in the wheelchair, as if you were out there on the street jumping up and down, shouting and run--running around, praising God, because you've already got the evidence. It's already yours.
See, it isn't a myth. It isn't an imagination. It's a--it's a substance. And anything that's a substance isn't a myth. It's something that you actually have got a hold of it. Now, there is where so many people fail to get healed. They have a hope instead of a faith. You hope that you will. You're--you're kinda have imaginary faith, because that you feel that you are--have appropriated that. But when actually you've got a hold of faith, it's a substance. It's something real. Then you hold that. And that's what brings it."


" And many times when the devil has our people bound under superstition that Divine healing is some kind of a totem pole, or something that was back in an age gone by, Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And the pitiful part, some of the best trained scholars we have is afraid to tackle the job, some of our bishops and great scholarly men, because the only thing they know is the Word; they've never had a real experience with God. And David knowed what he was talking about. He wasn't so well-trained, but he knew Who he had trusted.
That's what's the matter today. Is men who is scholarly, great denominations behind them, but they're afraid to take that stand. Sometimes God has to get down and get some little ignorant, illiterate bunch of preachers, that hardly know their abc's to stand for what they know to be the truth. For they've had experience. No matter how well you're trained, if you are not experienced...
You wouldn't want a doctor to operate on you that never had an experience, you was his first patient, certainly not. We need Christians who's got experience, who know how to trust God."


" I was interviewed at Mayo Brothers sometime ago, upon the "Reader's Digest" that article of, "The Miracle of Donny Martin." And on the interview they said, "We do not profess to be healers, Mr. Branham. We only profess to assist nature. There's one Healer; that is God."
For instance, if I broke my arm, and I went in to the doctor, and said, "Great healer, heal my arm; I must continue my work."
Well, he'd say, "You need mental healing."
That's right, if I would say such a statement as that. Now, he can set it; on his scientific profession he can set the arm, but he cannot heal the arm, because healing is a multiplying of cells, and that can only be done by Life and God. God is Life.
And if I cut my hand, and I fell down dead. They might put medicine in my hand cut; they could give me shots of penicillin, and for years after years, and they would never heal. If they could embalm my body to make me look natural for fifty years, I would say. It would not heal, because there's no healing quality in medicine. Medicine only kills the germ and keeps it clean while God heals. See?
Now, medicine was made... I've often said that a medicine that would heal a cut in my hand, would heal on in my coat. And someone would say, "Well, now wait a minute. Medicine wasn't for your coat; it was for your body."
Well, then why doesn't it heal then, after life has gone out of there? Why doesn't it heal then, if it's for the body? See? It would do just as much healing there, as it would here. If it was for the body, it would heal the body.
But you say, "Well, now life has to be there." That's right. So then Life is God, and God is the Healer. See? So it's all right back to God is the Healer.
The Scriptures does not contradict Themselves. And there's no Scripture in the Bible that contradicts Itself. I've asked for that for years and years. No Scripture, no statement can contradict itself, 'less it can be straightened with the rest of the Word of God to rightly put it together. Which Jesus thanked God for, that it was hid from the eyes of the wise and prudent and would be revealed to babes such as would learn. See? Now, we got to be humble in this. We've got to throw away our ideas about it; we've got to accept God's plan of it. That's the only way you'll ever be able to get anywhere with God for salvation for soul or body. It'll have to come through God's provided plan.
Now, if you've got a artesian well on this side of the mountain, spurting water by the millions of gallons an hour, and a crop on the other side burning up for water, now, you could stand and scream until you're took your tonsils out, and would--and screaming, "Oh, great water, come here and water my crop." It won't do it. No, sir. It'll stay right there. But if you'll work according to the laws of gravitation, and get this water to come around the mountain and water your crop, it'll do it, if you'll work according to the laws.
Now, there's enough electricity in this room to light the room, if it was correctly, and light would be out in a big field where it's dark. And we know that Franklin and so forth has proved that science, that electric's in the air. Now, take a copper wire, and hold it up, drop it down, and you... The static, the electricity pick up, till it will almost light the earth, if it was a mile high in the air, would set the earth a fire.
Now, you could stand out in that field and scream as loud as you wish to, "I'm lost. I'm lost. Great electric, come now and light the way up, that I can see how to get in out of this darkness." It'll never do it. But if you'll work according to the laws of electricity, why, it'll light the way up, so you can get out. But you have to work according to those laws.
Now, God has a law too. And there's healing and salvation in God's 'termination for you, if you'll work according to His plans and His laws on such. So that's the way we must plan the meeting, that's the way, seven times around the world, I have been of all different races, kinds of people by the tens of thousands... I have seen great things that our Lord has did. But I always notice that it takes people that will humble themselves and lay aside their own thoughts of it, and just take God's thought of it, and work according to His plan, which is faith in what He said."


" But them cancers and things are absolutely devils enformed in a body of flesh, moving up, taking your life.
Now, if I would do like the doctor, if I could cut it off, lay it on the ground... Or, just like say for instance, you was a cancer yourself on this earth. Now, here's Divine healing. If I wanted to get rid of you in the way of the doctor's way, I'd just keep have to rub your body or something another till it just all vanished off the earth. There wouldn't be no more of it, just like the doctor takes the growth off of you. But in the form of Divine healing, if you was a cancer, I'd just call your life out of you and you'd go on. Your life would leave you, but your body would be here just the same as it was.

Now, there's where sight and time is God's worst enemy in Divine healing. I don't know whether Brother Baxter ever gets to these things in meeting. I set down, explained it to him and Brother Bosworth over and over. But here's what's happened. I doubt whether many of the people get it, because after while you begin to find the people coming back, saying, "I had my healing, Brother Branham, for two or three days, but bless God it left me." I find it. I think it's because they don't set the meeting right. The people don't understand. I've had men to come to the platform and be totally blind, cancers or cataracts over their eyes, and read this Bible after being prayed for, walk down, in three or four days be just as blind as they was in the first place. What happened? Anyone knows that when the life has gone out of any flesh, it shrinks for a while. Is that right?

Anybody ever, here, kill a deer or a cow, or anything like that? Sure. All right. You weigh it tonight, you hunters out here, friends of mine. You kill the deer and you throw him on the scale, tell the boys how much he weighs. Watch out. In the morning he's going to be several pounds lighter than what he was. When a human being dies, the undertaker, the first thing, takes the false teeth or an eye, whatever it is in there, takes it out, because it shrinks, it'll push out, because the human body shrinks. Every other flesh shrinks. When the Life's gone out of the cell it begins to move down and shrink. It'll do that for about seventy-two hours. And then it'll start swelling. Let a little dog get run over out here on the road. Let him lay out there in the sun for about three days, and watch what happens, he's a bigger dog than he ever was. Just swells up. Is that right?

Well, that's the same thing takes place when a demon is cast out of a sick person. The first few days, "Oh, I feel wonderful." Then begin to say, "I'm--I'm sicker than I--than I ever was. I've lost my healing." Just as sure as faith took it out, unbelief brings it right back again. As faith kills it, unbelief resurrects it. Jesus said, "When the unclean spirit's gone out of a man, he walks in dry places and he returns back with seven other devils. And if the good man of the house isn't standing there to protect that door, he will come right on in. And the good man of your house is your faith, say, "Stay away." That's it.

But now you watch a patient that's healed, and ordinarily--'less it's an outstanding miracle. Which, Divine healing and a miracle is two different things. Divine healing is one thing and a miracle's another thing. But an ordinary run of Divine healing, when the unclean spirit's cast out, a cancer devil, when it leaves the person, oh... Now, or say we'll take something so you can see more visual. I'll say the cataract. What happened when that man... If you'll notice a blind person. I don't know whether I've ever had any here or not, yet, cataract eyes... I'll let them stand for a few minutes. Why? So that that shrinkage begins to take place. Tell them to come back, give us a testimony. Oh, my. They can see wonderful. "Oh, my. Just, I can see things. Yes. I..." What's the matter. Life is gone. The body of the cataract is shrinking. Well, it'll do that way for a couple days. Say, "Oh, I'm getting so well."

And after while they begin to get a headache. Don't feel so good. Get up the next morning, "I'm losing my sight again."
Some of them said, "Uh-huh, he just was worked up; that bunch of holy-rollers got you worked up." Don't you believe that. That's a lie of the Devil. If you believe that, you'll go right back blind again. But if you'll just hold on, say, "No, Lord, I believe."
Then what happens? That body swells for so long. It covers over that sight again. That cancer in the body will swell. You'll become hurting and aching again. Then you'll get horribly sick, terribly sick. Why? That big growth of dead flesh in you is laying there, dead.
You go back to the doctor and he will say, "Oh, that's nonsense. There's a cancer right there. I can see it." Sure, it's there, but it's dead. Hallelujah.

Now, the bloodstream has to purify the body. Every time the heart pumps, it throws the blood around the body, and it picks up that infection. Sure, it'll make you sick. What if you had a chunk of meat hanging in you somewhere, or long as a snake, or something big around as your finger, and hanging in there, and it was dead, that much dead meat hanging in you, and it's rottening? Well, of course, your bloodstream has to keep that pure, as it pumps through. But there's a dead body, the thing hanging there, because the life is gone from it. The power of God through faith drove it out. He's a demon; he has to leave.

But the reason, the people's not instructed; they go away, and give up, and that same devil's standing right there to take over again. When God tells you anything on this platform through His Spirit, when you under inspiration, don't you doubt that, or a worse thing will come upon you, He said. For Jesus said, "The last estate of that man was seven times worse than it was at the first place." Is that right? When the unclean spirit went out of a man, he walked around in dry places, come back with seven other devils. So don't you disbelieve, stay right with It. Mean It from your heart. Say, "No, sir. I'll not be moved. No matter how sick I get, that doesn't have nothing to do with it." And the first thing you know, you'll be getting cleared up. Everything will be all right then. See, it's dead. The--the operation that the doctor would've taken from you, that same growth is laying in you with no life in it.

You say, "Life in it, Brother Branham, will it take my life?" No, sir. That life is a separate life from yours. I've just showed you that you are a life and become a being, and it's a life and becomes a being. And you're of God, and it's of the devil. You see what I mean? Demonology. Now, you ought to see what that thing looks like when you stand and look at it.

I've been about seven years teaching across America, having these healing services. I just got a good notion, starting back across the country teaching the Bible and on demonology, how the people can understand what to do. And that's the reason they go to these meetings a lot of times and fellow... If you don't understand, the people come out... And many times... Now, remember, that fellow that come and said he had a gift of Divine healing... The gift of Divine healing was in you if you got healed. It's you, the one. Any gift operates by faith. And no matter how much gift of Divine healing I got, I believe it with all my heart. But you could stand here and, if you haven't got the same kind of faith, it don't do you no good. I could pray for you for hours and weeks and months. It isn't the preachers with the Divine healing; it's you that's got the gift of Divine healing, that believes in being healed, 'cause it's by faith. By faith... Every operation of God is by faith.
The whole armor of God is by faith. We haven't got one natural thing of this world. Everything of the Christian church is a faith act. Look at the armor of God, love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, meekness, gentleness, patience. Is that right? Everything's supernatural, nothing natural. So we don't look at the things natural, because we're operating supernatural. And the only way we can base it, is faith, is on what God said was the truth, and we look at the unseen. And we call those things which are not as though they were, like Abraham did when he got his... Amen. Abraham called those things which was not, like God did, as though they were. Being a hundred years old, staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief."
(DEMONOLOGY.1.PHYSICAL.title CON.IN DE 21-40 53-0608A)


" What is it? Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever; made the lame to walk, the blind to see, the deaf to hear, devils would be cast out, and the commission follows on. Amen. And that thing is perhaps being done around the world tonight among faithful, believing members of the Body of Jesus Christ; and Divine healing doesn't lay within me. And each of these brethren setting here, your pastor, you don't have to wait till they have a Divine healing program to be healed. Every one of these men has got just the same authority that I or anyone else has got to pray for the sick. And that's all we can do, is pray for the sick.
And not only them, but if they're off somewhere and can't get to you, that good Holy Ghost filled sister or brother that lives next door to you has the same authority (That's right.), same thing. If you can't get to your pastor... The Bible said, "If any among you sick, call the elders of the church, let them anoint the oil, and pray over the sick. The prayer of faith shall save the sick." Said, "God shall raise them up." Not the minister--God shall raise them up. "And if they did any sin, it shall be forgiven them. Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for the other." Is that right? One another be prayed for. See? "That you may be healed. For the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." That's all you need. Be filled with God's Spirit. And you'd be surprised if you only knowed the gifts that setting right in this building tonight. Yes, sir."



" You know God heals by music. Did you know that? Uh-huh. God heals by music. God heals by love. See? God heals by medicine. God heals by prayer. God has many ways of healing. It depends on what type that you need. Sometimes a little love stretched out will just cure an old sore, an old place that's been a grudge or something. It'll heal it right over, just a little love, a little care. Sometimes when you feel all down, and, as we call it, a street expression, down in the dumps (See?) just put on one of those tapes, that music or a record, and go to playing it. The first thing you know you're patting your foot, or your hand, and it's all over then. You're right up and ready to go again."
(LOOK.title PHOENIX.AZ 63-0428)


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