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( Notes and Excerpts from Dr. Bill Branham's Messages)

"And God had just provided the two bottles, the New and Old Testament. And He's just dropped vitamins in them. And while we get a hold of Him, go to nursing, we're not only satisfied, but we're being healed all the same time. We got spiritual vitamins. It just keeps building us up, making us stronger, stronger. It's good for... It's got calcium for the bones. It's got vitamin B complex for the nerves. Oh, it's got everything in it. God's whole medicine cabinet was dropped into it. It was all in a bottle, put in a bottle. And He opened it at Calvary. So through Calvary, we can nourish back any redeemed blessings that Jesus died for."


" Don't that just take the scare out of it now? God's with us. Although you sin, you got an Advocate. Tell God you're sorry, come on back. That's the way to do it. Don't think you're cast off forever. As long as you still have enough desire to come to this church, come on. God's still with you. That's right. Sure He is.
Yes, He will just keep moving, as long as you'll... as He's called you. He's still in the saving business to call you. And all He's calling, He's still wooing at your heart. Come on, no matter what you done. God still wants to forgive you and take you back, love you a little bit, and hug you up to His bosom, give you a few spiritual vitamins, put you back in the church, in your position again. He came to redeem, to seek and save that which was lost."


" He's the Stimulator of Life; He's the Giver of Life. He don't need to give you vitamins; He is the vitamin, Vitamin J-E-S-U-S, the best I know of, only one I care for. Amen. J-E-S-U-S, try them some time; their wonderful. Blessings, they just fall down, spiritual vitamins. Oh, my, how I love them. Showers of them, just shower down on you, certainly."


" So you see, we must make God real unchangeable. Every soul that comes to God seeking salvation or healing, he's got to come on those basis. He's got to come believing that God is, and a Rewarder of those that diligently seek after Him.
Did not our Lord Jesus say, "Whatsoever things you desire when you pray, believe that you receive them and you shall have them?" Did not He say, "Ask the Father what you will in My Name and you will receive it"? Now, that is infallibly the Truth. And there's nobody that ever asked God anything, but what God gave it to them if they come with an honest heart.
Now, the thing of it is, God gives it sometimes in the way that we're not expecting it. But God always keeps His Word. There's no way for God to tell you anything and lie about it and remain God. He cannot, He must keep His Word forever. It's the truth. And when the Bible says that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, that is the truth.
I may not have faith enough to make all the things that He done, live again, but I'd never stand in the road of somebody who had faith enough to do it. I would be thanking God for that faith. But just the same, every promise that He made is absolutely truth.
I can go on record for this tonight. If any people will take the right mental attitude towards any Divine promise that God ever made and claim it for yours, He will--God will bring it to pass. If you'll take the right attitude towards it, knowing that if God said so, the promise is yours, and it's your personal property the very minute you receive It that way, then it has to come to pass.
For Jesus said, "The Word is a Seed that a sower sowed." And a seed, if it's a germitized seed and it goes into the ground, then that seed under the right conditions of the sun and moisture, will bring forth the life that's in the seed.
And so is the Word of God. If a person can take that Word and place It in their heart, and give It the right sunshine, the right temperature, not s-u-n, but S-o-n, and right temperature of faith in there, that seed and promise will live to you just like it did at the beginning to the one It was given to. Because it's God's Word, and He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He cannot fail."


" Now, any of those things, if you're weary, upset, fretting, nervous, sick, sin, whatever it is, when you accept that from your heart, go to confessing it, and then saying it's right, God's right there to make it right, when you go to confessing it. But if you're afraid to say so, and afraid to act upon your confession, no matter how many times you're prayed for you'll never get well. You got to believe it first. See? He's the High Priest of what you confess that He has done for you.
How many understands that now? Raise your hands. See? That's right. Only when you say so. Now, if you are prayed for, and you say, "Now, I believe. Yes, sir." Now, you can't say you believe until you really do believe. If you do, you're just--you're--you're doing something not right. You can't say you believe, until really in your heart you believe. But when you firmly have prayed through and really believe, then you can say, "I believe." Then you can accept it. And now remember, He's there, will make good anything that you believe in your heart that He has done and will confess it. Then everywhere you go, testify of your healing. Say so. Believe so. Tell others so.
And friends, it'll never fail. I've seen sarcomas cancer healed with it. And I know that it... You know what a sarcomas cancer is? All right. We got dozens, yes, piles of letters like that, from that type of cancer, files full of testimonies, doctor statements, lame, halt, blind, cancer ridden. Everything that can be thought of, in a...?... way of diseases been healed: Faith."


" Look. Now, look, friends. I want you to look this away and believe with all your heart. If Jesus Christ died at Calvary and there He settled to God the full penalty for sin and sickness, then it's all left. Is that right? It's all settled.
Then there's not a person in the world that could do anything towards healing you. It's already been done. No one could save you. It's already been done.
The only thing that you have to do is confess your faith in it. Is that right? How many knows the work is finished? When Jesus died and then said it's finished, it was finished forever. That's right.
Then as far as any man coming through saying, "I have power to heal you." He's telling you something wrong. "I got something here I can put on you to heal you." That's wrong. Only thing that ever be done to heal you was done there at Calvary. He was wounded for your transgressions; by His stripes you were healed. You were healed."


" Our dear Lord Jesus Himself, in the world's greatest battleground, Gethsemane, He cried out in despair. Should He take the sins of the world or should He just remain on earth with His beloved disciples, what He wanted to do. But watch His humility as He humbled Himself, "Not My will but Thine be done," humbled Himself to the Word, the promised Word of the God of heaven. Notice, then He went a little further; and if He went a little farther, how much more ought we to go a little farther. See? And notice, the Scripture says here in Luke that He prayed earnestly. Brother, sister, if Jesus had to pray earnestly, how much more have we got to pray earnestly. If Christ, the God of heaven made flesh, had to pray earnestly, then how much more are we, sinners saved by grace, pray earnestly? If--if the decision throwed the Son of God into despair, what will it do to you and I? Desperately we must cry.
God in these last days has manifested Himself so to us by His great signs and power... Should make us desperate. That's right. And His willing to heal us and save us ought to throw us all into desperation to get to that healing stone. That's right.
( DESPERATION.title JEFF.IN V-4 N-1 63-0901E)


"And now, Father, I pray that You'll help me, as Your servant, as one who believes in You. I've left home; I left everything to serve You. I love You. And You're real. And You make Yourself real. And I love You, Father. I'm not worthy to love You. But it's not my merits, it's His merits, You'll receive me. And I love this people. And I see the dark shadows, as it was, trying to hang around, saying, "Well, I won't get it."
Oh, Satan, you're defeated. In Jesus Christ's Name I cast you away from the people, that you can't hold them any longer. Jesus Christ makes them free. And you are defeated, and they shall be made well, because that they've confessed their faith in God. They've confessed their faith in Jesus Christ. They have accepted His stripes for their healing. And you cannot walk over the Blood of the Lord Jesus; so therefore, you are defeated, and I adjure thee, by the Son of the living God, Jesus Christ, that you come out from the people at this minute, and go away from them, in Jesus' Name."
(INTER.VEIL.title STURGIS.MI 56-0121)


All right, come, sister, and let's ask God to get rid of that tumor so you can eat. O God, Creator of heavens and of earth, I lay my hands upon this our sister. And heavenly Father, I've tried with all my heart to represent You to this people. And I now... You here Who can create vision, create spirit, make life, and we only live and move by Your power. And I ask Thee, heavenly Father, at this time to receive the prayer of Your unprofitable servant to this dying woman. And Satan has done this evil to put this tumor in her stomach, but Thou art here to remove it. And I curse this tumor. Now, Lord, if Your servant has found grace in Your sight, may this tumor be dead from right now on. I curse it in the Name of Jesus Christ. May it shrink and go away. Amen. God bless you, sister. That's the way to receive healing. Just go and believe and have faith in God. "
(INNER.MAN.title CHICAGO.IL 53-1212)


" Old John Rhyn, not the R-y-a-n, R-h-y-n... There was a blind beggar in Fort Wayne, and there where we went that day and he was prayed for in the meeting. That was the night before the piano played "The Great Physician Now Is Near," without anybody by it. And when he was blind... He was Catholic, by faith. And he--he stopped in the line, and I looked at him, and I said, "Your name is so-and-so, John Rhyn."
"You're a beggar on the corner. You've been blind for years."
"Yes, that's right."
"You're a Catholic by faith."
"That's right."
I said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, you receive your healing."
Said, "Thank you, sir."
I said, "Thank the Lord."
He said, "But I can't see."
I said, "That has nothing to do with it. You are healed."
And he said, he went down along... They helped him off the platform. The natural man couldn't see nothing. They couldn't see no results from that at all. "Why," said, "he's just as blind as he ever was."

So two of his friends brought him back and put him in the prayer line again, and run him through again; Howard let him pass through. When he come back again, he said, "Mister, you told me I was healed."
I said, "You told me you believed me."
He said, "I do believe you. I have no reasons not to believe you." Said, "You've told me all things in my life," and he said, "I don't know what to do." Said, "There was a woman back there testifying that she had a goiter a few minutes ago, and it's gone away."
I said, "Then if you believe me, why are you questioning me? I'm telling you the Word of God."
He said, "What must I do, sir?" Knowing he was Catholic and had to have something physical that he could hold to, I said, "Just keep testifying, 'By His stripes I am healed,' and give Him praise."
The old man, for the next two weeks, or three, he stood on the corner and he sold papers; he would holler, "Extra! Extra! Praise the Lord, I'm healed. Extra! Extra! Praise the Lord, I'm healed."
When he come back to the meeting the next night, I couldn't hardly preach, for him. He would raise up and holler, "Everybody keep quiet. Praise the Lord for healing me. Praise the Lord for healing me." As a Catholic, he didn't know how to take ahold of faith, but he know if he kept on saying it, and kept on, kept on, kept on, until that sixth sense would go to work... That's right. "Praise the Lord for healing me."
He was standing on the corner, hollering, "Praise the Lord for healing me. Extra! Praise the Lord for healing me."
And he'd walk down the street, and there somebody'd come by, say, "How are you, John?"
"Praise the Lord for healing me. All right." And they laughed at him, and made fun of him.
And another little newsboy led him over to the barbershop for a shave about two or three weeks later from the meeting. And the barber put him up in the chair and lathered his face. And he said, "John," he said, "I understand..." Some little smart-aleck, and he said, "I understand that you was down to see the Divine healer when... [] here."
He said, "Yes, I went down."
He said, "I understand that you got healed," just to make fun of him.
And the old man said, "Yes, praise the Lord, He healed me," and his eyes come open. Out of that barber chair he went with a towel around his neck, the barber trying to catch him with a razor in his hand. And down the street they went. Why? God's Word had went to work. "
(SUPER.SENSE.title JEFF.IN V-20 N-7 59-1227E)

" All right, sinner, come on now. It's your time, backslider, you lukewarm church member, you sinner. It's your time to come while the Presence of the Lord is here. Will you believe it? Let's bow our heads now just a moment.
O God, if this is the last meeting that Phoenix will ever have, You've witnessed Yourself alive. You are here. Your Presence is here to do the greatest healing, to heal the sin sick soul, to heal the weary, to bring those in who are indifferent, those people who joined church and doesn't know You by the Spirit. They've never been borned again. They don't know what it means to have peace, that perfect peace that passes understanding. I pray, God, that You'll cast away all the fear, and bring those people around this altar just now, and give a healing to the body of Christ.
And Lord, if there be some here who's so churchy and so indifferent, that they won't fellowship with the other group, God, I pray that You'll make them ashamed of theirself; and if they're guilty of this sin may they come to the altar now and confess theirself. And may there be a breaking up in Phoenix, an old fashion get-together, a pouring out of the Holy Ghost because of Your Presence. Grant it, Lord."


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