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17-2 WHAT.IS.A.VISION -- CHI.IL -- V-2 N-9 -- 56-0408.1A

He said, "You see, that first pull was when you used to put your hands on the people and tell them what was their trouble." He said, "The second pull was when you would know the secrets of the heart like I told you." He said, "Instead of you keeping that to yourself, you tried to explain all about it and tell people, and when you did." He said, "you didn't know nothing about it yourself, and how could you explain it? You've caused a big bunch of carnal impersonations to rise up, and you see what you've done." I said, "Lord, I'm sorry. Oh, I'm so sorry. I don't know what to do."


And so far as I know, that every vision that He's ever give me has been fulfilled except the one that I'm a change in my ministry, to where I'm to pray for people in a little place like a little room under a tent, or a big auditorium or something. it looked, to me, like a tent. You remember that, two or three years ago? Most all of it was brought to pass. I was to go down in Mexico, and how it would rain that night and what would take place down there. And He told me my ministry of the first pull. Remember about catching the little bitty fish, or missing it? Second one was a small fish `But then He told me, "On the third pull, don't fail. See? And don't tell people." I'm always trying to explain what I'm trying to do. He let me know not to tell people what you're doing. Just do what He tells me to do and let it alone. See?

48-8 IS.THIS.SIGN.OF.THE.END.SIR - JEFF - V-2 N-11 - 62-1230.2E

And you know, the pyramid never was capped. The Headstone is yet to come. It's been rejected. Could it be, Brethren, Sisters.

Or is this that third pull that He told me three or four years ago.

The first pull. You remember what happened? I tried to explain it. He said, "Don't do that."

The second pull. He said, "Don't try..." and I pulled anyhow. You remember? All of you remember, it is on tape, and everything.

And then He said, "Now there is a third pull coming, but don't try to explain it."

You see how I approached this tonight? I don't know. But I feel duty-bound to my Church to say something. You draw your own conclusion.

49-9 IS.THIS.SIGN.OF.THE.END.SIR - JEFF - V-2 N-11 - 62-1230.2E

Now the first pull was little bitty birds; them flights. They went on to meet the time; meet the coming of the Lord, the first message. The second time, the secrets of the heart. From taking a person by the hand, and just standing there and saying what they had. The next time it revealed their sins and told them what to do and make... Is that right? Then that come to pass perfectly, just as God said it, and you are witnesses and so is the world, so is the church.

563-1 THE.SEVENTH.SEAL -- JEFF.IN -- 63-0324.2E

I was standing with a little baby's shoe when He told me, said, "Now, make your First Pull; and when you do, the fish will run after the lure." Said, "Then watch your Second Pull" said, "because there will only be small fish." He said, "Then the Third Pull will get it."

And all them ministers got around me, said, "Brother Branham, we know you can do it. Hallelujah, Brother Branham." (That's where I always get tied up--with a bunch of preachers, see. I love people, and they want you to explain everything--this, that.)

565-2 THE.SEVENTH.SEAL -- JEFF.IN -- 63-0324.2E

Now, the Voice of that great Thunder and the mission that was brought here has been revealed that it--and proven that it was of God. Just think now, I knew not these Seals, and they've been revealed this week. Did anybody think of that?--Of those seven Angel, being this being the Message that was coming forth--them Angels bringing me back here for that?

Remember, the Seventh Messenger was... the seven messengers was... The noted one to me--the seventh Angel--it seemed more to me than any. Now see, they were standing like this, (now, we just want you to notice) and I was standing here, and I was watching those other... see, one... first bunch of little birds, feathers all beat down. Do you remember them? and they all flew eastward. And the second bunch were brighter, bigger birds--looked like doves, pointed wings--they flew eastward: First Pull, Second Pull. Then the next was Angels!

153 STANDING.IN.THE.GAP -- JEFF.IN -- V-6 N-7 -- 63-0623.1M

And there was three outstanding peaks. He said, "Those three peaks are the first, second, and third pull. The first one was your first part of your ministry, small hill; then your first pull, pretty high." You know, sign in the hand. Then there's a little interval in there, the time that I was taken off from being too tired. Many of you remember it. And then come the discernment, the second pull. Now, I've had another, about... Few years here of just kinda little peaks. See, back, like my ministry wasn't yet. And then come the third one.

Three is a number of completion. See? The third one. The next peak was five, number of grace. And the next peak was seven, a number of--of perfection, the end. "Six days shall ye labor, the seventh is the Sabbath, the end of the week, the end of time." See? And I stopped and I showed it to Billy. And I looked at them.

And He said, "That... Let that stand. If there's ever a doubt in your mind, remember this place, come back here."

41-3 SOULS.IN.PRISON.NOW -- JEFF.IN. -- V-2 N-22 - 63-1110.1M

Jesus' ministry consisted of Three Pulls. Did you know that? Notice. Be sincere if you ever was in your life now, for a few minutes. His First Pull was healing the sick. He become a very popular man. Everybody believed Him, seemed like. Is that right? When He went forth healing the sick, everybody wanted Him in their church, but one day He turned around and started prophesying, for He was the Word. And He was the Prophet that Moses spoke of.

42-4 SOULS.IN.PRISON.NOW -- JEFF.IN. -- V-2 N-22 - 63-1110.1M

Lost--could never be saved; they had rejected mercy. That was His Third Pull. Now is there any question? His First Pull, He healed the sick. Is that right? His Second Ministry, He was prophesying. His Third Ministry was preaching to the eternal lost. The three mountains, and so forth--the lost, eternal.

43-2 SOULS.IN.PRISON.NOW -- JEFF.IN. -- V-2 N-22 - 63-1110.1M

In the days of Sodom, the First Pull was the righteous Lot. The Bible said, "The sins of Sodom vexed his righteous soul daily," how them women acted and done. Remember, "as it was in the days of Noah..." What was they doing? Eating, drinking, marrying, giving in marriage--women. See--women. What was the days of Sodom? Women, and the first message was Lot. They laughed him to scorn.

45-4 SOULS.IN.PRISON.NOW -- JEFF.IN. -- V-2 N-22 - 63-1110.1M

All right. Now, is that why this Third Pull has lingered so long? You notice the First Pull and the Second Pull went from one to the other. I predicted, you remember, when I first started about the First, and I said, "There'll come a time that I will even know the secrets of the heart." You remember. How many... All of you remember that in my meetings around. And one night I'd just walked into Regina, up there, and walked on the platform, and Brother Baxter there--several thousand people, and a man walked up on the platform, and there it was. And from that it's been the same.

215 HE.THAT.IS.IN.YOU -- JEFF.IN. -- V-6 N-12 -- 63-1110.2E

And, Lord, we don't know what this Third Pull, as we have referred to It, will be. I don't know what. But we know one thing, that the First Pull was perfection. The Second Pull, being the five, was Grace. And, God, I pray tonight that You will reveal Yourself to us, that after these things, saying, "He that's in you,..." And You said, "The works that I do, shall you do also," and said You did nothing till the Father showed You.

And we seen what You did when You was able to tell Apostle Peter who he was, what his father's name was; tell Nathanael what his mission was, how he come to be there, where he was before-hands, what he had done; told the woman at the well of her sin and what she had... living in this adultery with these six man, five she had had, and one she was living with now was not her husband. Thou art still the same God.

21-7 LOOK.AWAY.TO.JESUS -- JEFF.IN -- V-2 N-17 -- 63-1229.2E

Now, let us bow our heads for a word of prayer. Lord Jesus, I have seen it upon other people, but when it came to my own precious wife--it was in my home then, Lord. I looked at it with my own eyes, felt it with my own hands, and I--sixteen years before that it was also, Lord, known and revealed by You. When anything is spoken, it must be done. You were showing me, Lord, then that my confidence in what You had done for the people, and would let me know, so I could help them. You brought it to pass in my own home. That was the first pull. And now the third pull confirmed the first pull.

262 ANOINTED.ONES.AT.END.TIME -- JEFF.IN - V-5 N-3 - 65-0725.1M

Notice the very day when this messenger, not when he starts on the... but when he begins to declare his Message. See? The First Pull, healing; Second Pull, prophesying; Third Pull, the opening of the Word, the mysteries revealed. No more--there's no more higher order to reveal the Word than prophets. But the only way the prophet can be a-vindicated is by the Word. And remember the Third Pull was the opening of them Seven Seals to reveal the hidden Truth that's been sealed in the Word. Do you see it? It is then, in that day when this thing is to take place that Jannes and Jambres, the impersonators, will appear again, just like they did when Moses appeared with the original Word to say it; they appear to impersonate it. Just exactly right. Now, you see what Matthew 24:24 is? See? Anointed ones.

6-2 WHY.ARE.PEOPLE.SO.TOSSED.ABOUT - JEFF - V-2 N-14 - 56-0101

He said, "Now, the first time I spoke with you, you put your hands on the people and told them what was wrong with them. And the second pull, why, when you did, you would know the secrets of their hearts. And I made you a seer before the people. But you was always trying to explain it. You oughtn't have done that." He said, "You made a public showing out of it."

I said, "I'm very sorry."


And to think, down in the animal world, how God will do, and the simplicity. Could you imag... Someone... A lot of people laugh at that. Christians don't. But do you know God knows every little sparrow there is? Do you know He has got every feather in their wing numbered, He knows all about it? He said, "Not one of them could fall to the earth without Father knowing about it." He knows where every little animal is. He knows every little part about you. He knows all about it. And by doing that, you see, and insuring me... And the cap of it all come the other night, when He showed Me, standing there by the side of this lake. I will never forget it. You'll see it in the papers, I will get them here for you. You'll see it out in: The Voice of Healing, the other magazines.

How I seen that, in front of that once pull, and He said, "That's when you knew the diseases of the people, when they... by their hands." And then this second pull. Said, "Why did you pull it so hard? Why did you try to explain all of that? They'd see you just caught a fish, but it was small." He said, "Now cast your lure in for this time." Said, "Set your hook."

17-2 WHAT.IS.A.VISION -- CHI.IL -- V-2 N-9 -- 56-0408.1A

He said, "You see, that first pull was when you used to put your hands on the people and tell them what was their trouble." He said, "The second pull was when you would know the secrets of the heart like I told you." He said, "Instead of you keeping that to yourself, you tried to explain all about it and tell people, and when you did." He said, "you didn't know nothing about it yourself, and how could you explain it? You've caused a big bunch of carnal impersonations to rise up, and you see what you've done." I said, "Lord, I'm sorry. Oh, I'm so sorry. I don't know what to do."

48-8 IS.THIS.SIGN.OF.THE.END.SIR - JEFF - V-2 N-11 - 62-1230.2E

And you know, the pyramid never was capped. The Headstone is yet to come. It's been rejected. Could it be, Brethren, Sisters.

Or is this that third pull that He told me three or four years ago.

The first pull. You remember what happened? I tried to explain it. He said, "Don't do that."

The second pull. He said, "Don't try..." and I pulled anyhow. You remember? All of you remember, it is on tape, and everything.

And then He said, "Now there is a third pull coming, but don't try to explain it."

You see how I approached this tonight? I don't know. But I feel duty-bound to my Church to say something. You draw your own conclusion.

563-1 THE.SEVENTH.SEAL -- JEFF.IN -- 63-0324.2E

I was standing with a little baby's shoe when He told me, said, "Now, make your First Pull; and when you do, the fish will run after the lure." Said, "Then watch your Second Pull" said, "because there will only be small fish." He said, "Then the Third Pull will get it."

And all them ministers got around me, said, "Brother Branham, we know you can do it. Hallelujah, Brother Branham." (That's where I always get tied up--with a bunch of preachers, see. I love people, and they want you to explain everything--this, that.)

565-2 THE.SEVENTH.SEAL -- JEFF.IN -- 63-0324.2E

Now, the Voice of that great Thunder and the mission that was brought here has been revealed that it--and proven that it was of God. Just think now, I knew not these Seals, and they've been revealed this week. Did anybody think of that?--Of those seven Angel, being this being the Message that was coming forth--them Angels bringing me back here for that?

Remember, the Seventh Messenger was... the seven messengers was... The noted one to me--the seventh Angel--it seemed more to me than any. Now see, they were standing like this, (now, we just want you to notice) and I was standing here, and I was watching those other... see, one... first bunch of little birds, feathers all beat down. Do you remember them? and they all flew eastward. And the second bunch were brighter, bigger birds--looked like doves, pointed wings--they flew eastward: First Pull, Second Pull. Then the next was Angels!

577-3 THE.SEVENTH.SEAL -- JEFF.IN -- 63-0324.2E

The seven Angels... I was in the west. You remember the little bitty messengers; they went east. The second messengers, the doves (little bit larger bird), they went east. And now, I looked... they was with me all the time. That was that First and Second Pull. Now, the Third came from the west sweeping forward with great terrific speed, and they picked me up. That was coming back east with the mystery of these Seven Seals, just like it said in Junior Jackson's dream that the Lord let me interpret for him there. On the inside of that pyramid, there was white stone that wasn't written on. That's the reason I had to go West to connect with these Angel's message to come back here to reveal it to the church. You remember, I said, "The next things that happen will be here at the church." That's just exactly.

153 STANDING.IN.THE.GAP -- JEFF.IN -- V-6 N-7 -- 63-0623.1M

And there was three outstanding peaks. He said, "Those three peaks are the first, second, and third pull. The first one was your first part of your ministry, small hill; then your first pull, pretty high." You know, sign in the hand. Then there's a little interval in there, the time that I was taken off from being too tired. Many of you remember it. And then come the discernment, the second pull. Now, I've had another, about... Few years here of just kinda little peaks. See, back, like my ministry wasn't yet. And then come the third one.

Three is a number of completion. See? The third one. The next peak was five, number of grace. And the next peak was seven, a number of--of perfection, the end. "Six days shall ye labor, the seventh is the Sabbath, the end of the week, the end of time." See? And I stopped and I showed it to Billy. And I looked at them.

And He said, "That... Let that stand. If there's ever a doubt in your mind, remember this place, come back here."

141 THE.FLASHING.RED.LIGHT -- JEFF.IN -- V-5 N-4 -- 63-0623.2E

Jezebel refused to hear the Word of the Lord. She wouldn't want to call that old fuzzy-looking preacher, Elijah, her pastor; but he was her pastor anyhow. That's right! God sent him, and he bellowed out his message. Though uneducated, they won't know where he come from or where he went to. He came on the scene with the Word of the Lord. He sent his message, and he preached and he condemned everything there was called sin. And that modern Jezebel had switched and bewitched the people under the witchcraft of her powers until the whole nation was corrupted, and Elijah stood alone out there on the mountain. God said, "Elijah, don't think that. I've got seven thousand down there that's honest in heart yet." That's his second pull, and the third one went back for them.

94-1 CHRIST.IS.THE.MYSTERY -- JEFF.IN -- V-3 N-7 -- 63-0728

Not knowing (of course, being spiritual, you watch spiritual things)--not knowing this, God knows it, but if you'll turn and look at the clock, it's on the dot 2 o'clock--the end of the Second Pull; the Third Pull is at hand!

 At the name of Jesus bowing,

 Falling prostrate at His feet,

 King of kings in Heaven will crown Him,

 When our journey is complete.

 Precious name... (Second Pull has been made manifested!)

 Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

 Precious name, O how sweet!

 Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

41-2 SOULS.IN.PRISON.NOW -- JEFF.IN. -- V-2 N-22 - 63-1110.1M

The first three; three is perfection. That's when the ministry went forth. The Second Pull was the discernment of spirits of prophecy. First was the healing of the sick; the second was the prophecy that went forth--that knew the secret of the thoughts, when the Word Itself was made manifest, which, that's great. But remember, the seventh is the finish. Could this be the finish pull? It's all over. Could it be? Think of it now. Just think where you're at. Seven is always the finish--Three Pulls.

41-4 SOULS.IN.PRISON.NOW -- JEFF.IN. -- V-2 N-22 - 63-1110.1M

And when He went to tell them, and telling them how they was living and the things they were doing, He become very unpopular. That was His Second Pull. I wonder if it has typed right back again? Just think a minute. Could it be? The First, healing everybody. The second... Oh, it could be Jesus Only. It could be Beelzebub, it could be... That's the same thing they did there. See?

Same spirits living in the same kind of people--condemned people that could never be saved because they were condemned before... Like Judas Iscariot, born of the son of perdition. You say, "Judas?"

43-3 SOULS.IN.PRISON.NOW -- JEFF.IN. -- V-2 N-22 - 63-1110.1M

Then He sent another messenger, two of them, and they went down, (that was His Second Pull for Sodom) but look at that one that went last. More and more mercy, it was all over then--all over at that time. That third Messenger that went down there... the Third Pull, what was He? What kind of a ministry did He have? He sat with the elected, and told them what was taking place behind Him. Is that right? But when He stepped off into Babylon, or into Sodom, He wanted to find... Even Abraham crying, "If I could find fifty righteous"--on down to ten righteous.

God said, "Yes, find ten righteous."

45-4 SOULS.IN.PRISON.NOW -- JEFF.IN. -- V-2 N-22 - 63-1110.1M

All right. Now, is that why this Third Pull has lingered so long? You notice the First Pull and the Second Pull went from one to the other. I predicted, you remember, when I first started about the First, and I said, "There'll come a time that I will even know the secrets of the heart." You remember. How many... All of you remember that in my meetings around. And one night I'd just walked into Regina, up there, and walked on the platform, and Brother Baxter there--several thousand people, and a man walked up on the platform, and there it was. And from that it's been the same.

46-4 SOULS.IN.PRISON.NOW -- JEFF.IN. -- V-2 N-22 - 63-1110.1M

If the First and Second Pull is without question... Is there a question in your mind about the First and Second Pull? Did it come to pass just like He said? Then why question the Third? Why would you question... The first two were identified by the Scripture. I've proved to you this morning that the Third is identified by the Scripture, too. Look upon the world and see where she's at. Look how they have rejected the Truth, and how it's been properly identified--the prophecy part. Now, where are we at? Oh God, be merciful. That makes my heart bleed on the inside. What about it? Where are we at?

58-3 SOULS.IN.PRISON.NOW -- JEFF.IN. -- V-2 N-22 - 63-1110.1M

Now, with our hearts bowed--the Bible said they sang a hymn and went out. Remember, when they did that in the Scripture, it was because they had crucified the ministry of our Lord's Second Pull, and the Third Pull was ready to enter. A few hours after that He ascended into hell, and preached to the lost that had rejected their mercy.

 "My faith looks up to Thee,

 Thou Lamb of Calvary,

 Saviour divine!

 Now hear me while I pray,

 Take all my sins away,

 O let me from this day

 Be wholly Thine!

 While life's dark maze I tread,

 And griefs around me spread,

 Be Thou my Guide;

 Bid darkness turn to day,

 Wash sorrows, fears away,

 O let me from this day

 Be wholly Thine!

215 HE.THAT.IS.IN.YOU -- JEFF.IN. -- V-6 N-12 -- 63-1110.2E

And, Lord, we don't know what this Third Pull, as we have referred to It, will be. I don't know what. But we know one thing, that the First Pull was perfection. The Second Pull, being the five, was Grace. And, God, I pray tonight that You will reveal Yourself to us, that after these things, saying, "He that's in you,..." And You said, "The works that I do, shall you do also," and said You did nothing till the Father showed You.

And we seen what You did when You was able to tell Apostle Peter who he was, what his father's name was; tell Nathanael what his mission was, how he come to be there, where he was before-hands, what he had done; told the woman at the well of her sin and what she had... living in this adultery with these six man, five she had had, and one she was living with now was not her husband. Thou art still the same God.

262 ANOINTED.ONES.AT.END.TIME -- JEFF.IN - V-5 N-3 - 65-0725.1M

Notice the very day when this messenger, not when he starts on the... but when he begins to declare his Message. See? The First Pull, healing; Second Pull, prophesying; Third Pull, the opening of the Word, the mysteries revealed. No more--there's no more higher order to reveal the Word than prophets. But the only way the prophet can be a-vindicated is by the Word. And remember the Third Pull was the opening of them Seven Seals to reveal the hidden Truth that's been sealed in the Word. Do you see it? It is then, in that day when this thing is to take place that Jannes and Jambres, the impersonators, will appear again, just like they did when Moses appeared with the original Word to say it; they appear to impersonate it. Just exactly right. Now, you see what Matthew 24:24 is? See? Anointed ones.

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