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  E-30    Now, we're going to form the prayer line just in a few moments. And I want you to do this: If there be a modern skeptic in the building, I warn you in the Name of the Lord Jesus, do not set in the building during this time, for cancers, deafness, epileptic, they come from one to another. I'll explain that later. You all understand?
How many's heard me explain how diseases are germs, and germs are life. You're a germ yourself; you come from the germ of life. Is that right? Well, if you come from your--by your father and mother, a germ of life... A cancer is a germ; a cataract is a germ; a tumor is a germ; tubercular is a germ. Is that right? Where did they come from? What kind of life are they? The doctors call... That's medical names, saying, "cancer, cataract," so forth like that. Jesus called them a devil. Is that right? And that's what they are. And anyone knows "a devil" means "a tormentor." And it's something that's tormenting your body.
  E-44 , Now, anybody knows that the word "devil" means "a tormentor," not tormenting your soul, you're free from that by your Gospel preacher and the Word of God. Is that right? I'm not for that; I'm not a preacher. I come for healing of your body.
Now, to rid that tormentor, I... You can't... You'll never be saved and receive the Holy Ghost, unless you believe the Word of God and the man that's preaching it. Is that right? That's the way you get healed, the same way.
  42    And Satan's against you. Therefore, this cancer he--he starts, or this tumor, whatever it is; from a germ he begins to multiply, like a tumor becomes malignant, so forth. It's a body, just like you're of a body. It has a spirit just like you are spirit; only it has not a soul. But it has a life like you have a life. And therefore, then, in you, in your flesh, there is two lives. One are you and the other one is another being, multiplying cells, growing a body, just like you growed in a body. Is that right?
Well then, what does that? The devil. The--the germ is a life. First, the germ is a teeny little cell with a life in it. And that life only can come from two resources: either from God or the devil. And you came from the germ of life, by God. The cancer, tumor, or so forth, come from the germ of life by the devil. And he's trying to destroy your life. He eats up your blood stream and--and different ways he works upon.
Therefore, I know that they are devils. Jesus Christ called them devils. And what He says is the truth. They are the devil. The devil is a tormentor. He's here to tear up your body, to eat you up, to destroy you, shorten your three score and ten, if he can.
BELIEVE.YE.THAT.I.AM.ABLE.TO.DO.THIS_  CLEVELAND.OH  SUNDAY_  50-0820E,  E-9    Of course, if anyone with a common school education knows a "devil" means "tormentor." You've got a tormentor in your soul, see your pastor. You've got a torment in your body, that's what I'm here for. See? All right. Tormentor, devil...
Epilepsy, that's a name the medical science gives today. When the man brought an epileptic to Jesus, he said, "My son has a devil. And oft times he throws him into the fire and into the water." See what it was? Falling, pines away, faints out: epilepsy. He said, "The devil throws him in."
And Jesus cast the spirit out, said, "Come out of him." Is that right?
The boy had the hardest fit, I guess, he ever had. He fell on the floor and was frothing there on the ground. They thought he was dead. But He said, "He's not dead." And He took him up. He was just... The devil had throwed him into that tantrum before he left him, tore him. Many times it happens.
DEMONOLOGY.1.PHYSICAL_  CONNERSVILLE.IN  DE 21-40  MONDAY_  53-0608A,  16    Now, the first thing, what a demon is. You hear so many people talking about a demon. Well, now, a "demon, devil," all comes from one word, and in the English it's called "tormentor." A fellow that torments is a devil, a evil one. He, say... Now, the Bible today is to most, to many people, is some old back Book that grandpa and grandma read, or something like that, "There's not much to it; it's for the old folks, and so forth." But that's wrong. It's for everybody. And demons are tormentors that torment us.
DEMONOLOGY.1.PHYSICAL_  CONNERSVILLE.IN  DE 21-40  MONDAY_  53-0608A,  17    Now, there is demons that comes into the soul of men, and that is, in the phraseology, that would be--that would be in the... I'd say this though, the demon that comes into the soul is something that torments the soul.
Many times you can see a person maybe of insanity. Now, they may be yet a converted person, filled with the Holy Spirit, and yet be totally insane. See? That's right; that has nothing to do with the soul. It's a tormentor (See?), something that torments them.

  E-45    See, we call it tonight, we got medical names, call it cancer, epilepsy, and all kinds of things. But Christ called them devils. The word devil, is a tormentor.
Like a person that's deaf and dumb. The doctor would examine that person. Now, listen close. He'd say, "Well, the nerves is dead in the ear, or on the vocal cords, the nerve is dead, that's the reason you can't speak or--or can't hear; there's no vibration; it's dead."
"Well, why didn't it die all over the body then?"
"I don't know," he said, "it just died there."
Well, the thing of it is, what the doctor works on is what his five senses will declare: see, taste, feel, smell, and hear. Has anybody here ever heard the old Missouri thought, "Seeing is believing."? Did you ever hear that? You want to see how foolish that is just a minute? Let me show you something.

GREATEST.GIFT.IN.BIBLE_  EDMONTON.ALBERTA  SUNDAY_  57-0811A,  E-7    And then sometimes when evil spirit's gone out of a person, many times they don't know that; they don't know what to do. Well, they don't, and some of them say, "Oh, I got sicker." Well, you're supposed to get sicker. They don't know that. When a... Like a growth on the inside of you... Now, we're not dealing with that growth. The doctor deals with that when he cuts it out. But what we're dealing with is the life in that growth. That's the--the life.
Now, for instance, like cancer. Cancer's one of our great killers. Well now, cancer has a life. And it's another life besides your life. And it's a growing, spreading. Now, it... The Bible calls it a devil. Cancer is called by the medical name, which come the word "crab" with legs and spreading out. But in the real term, it's a devil, and a devil is a tormentor.
GREATER.THAN.SOLOMON.IS.HERE_  BLOOMINGTON.IL  WEDNESDAY_  61-0412,  E-121    I want to ask you something. You be honest with me. When I spoke cancer and death, something strange happened to you. Is that right? You had a funny feeling like, come over you? See? Is this right? If that's right, wave your hand so the people there will see. See? See, it's death too on the woman. It's leukemia, or that's what your doctor said. And he's right.
Now, you're both under the shadows of death. That dark streak coming from this one. What is it? It's that devil in here called cancer. Cancer is a Greek word, or a medical word, means "crab." But it's a devil; it's a killer, a tormentor. It's on this man, and in that woman. And see, he was calling for help to try to get this man to disbelieve it, and the Holy Spirit beat him to it, and throwed faith on the woman. She touched Something. See, that devil thought he could get by with it. Will you both believe on Jesus Christ and accept Him as your Healer, raise your hand. Then in the Name of Jesus Christ, I condemn that devil to leave you both and go. Go, and be well. Go, and be well.
GREATEST.NEWS.FLASH.IN.HISTORY_  CHICAGO.IL  MONDAY_  61-0424,   E-72    Now, it's stubborn. Before I open my eyes, it hasn't changed: just the same. Is that right, sir? Just the same thing. Now, just a minute, everybody believe now.
Lord, I have told this little group of people here tonight that You raised from the dead and said, "In My Name they shall cast out devils." That man knows that devil is a tormentor. And the word "devil" means "a tormentor." So he's watching my hand. He sees the reaction of it in his own eyes; he's watching it. He's watching to see what happens. Help, Lord. You give the promise; I believe You. Satan, in the Name of Jesus Christ come out of the man.
Now, before I move my hand, or you do anything; it's gone hasn't it? Now, open your eyes. I never looked at my hand yet; there it is. Now, look here, sir. Take this hand here. See how it looks? Take this hand here. See how it looks? Now, something's happened, hasn't it? It's gone. You're free. Go, Jesus Christ made you well; believe with all your heart.
  E-110    Satan, we as the Church of God speak directly to you. You are a devil, a tormentor. And you have bound the servants of God by your bluffing spirit. So we as human beings have no power against you. So we do not come to meet you in the name of a church or an organization. But they are defeated.
But we come to meet you in--in the Name of our Conqueror, Jesus Christ. We are hailing His Name and His Presence before the people, as a Conqueror of every sickness and every disease as put under His feet. And we as His servants are carrying out His commission. We charge you in the Name of Jesus Christ, turn every one of these people loose. We'll follow His commission by laying hands on the sick. And they shall recover. For we speak it in the Name of Jesus Christ.
IDENTIFIED.CHRIST.OF.ALL.AGES_  TOPEKA.KS  V-20 N-1  WEDNESDAY_  64-0617,  192    See, you... I can't explain that, friends; don't ask me to. Pressure, power, one... What is a tumor? It's a growth. What is a growth? Multiplication of cells. What are you? Multiplication of cells. What is a tumor? In the Bible it's called a devil, tormentor; see him screaming for help, and that answered back. See, two just alike, and that's--that's what did it. All right.

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