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"A relative of mine was upset at me and was driving around town with a shotgun. Later I had to take his son home, and I feared for my life.

I prayed, 'Lord, I know I'm to fear nothing but you, but I need your help!'

He spoke and said, 'Think not what to say, but I will give the words.'

It helped calm me down.

About a mile down the road, He spoke again, 'Your life is going to be threatened, but when it is, say this.'

'Now that you have threatened my life, I have grounds for your arrest.'

This helped me more, but in a little while, we were there at his house. He came out of the house to meet us. I got out of the car to reason with him.

He said, 'You shouldn't have gotten out of your car,' and started to hit me.

I didn't know what to do, but I put my arms around him to hold him. I weighed 150 pounds, and he weighed 300 pounds. As a Christian, I didn't want to fight anyways.

He jerked away, and ran into the house, and got his shot gun. I got down behind my car, and prayed, 'Lord, I'm afraid.'

The Lord spoke in a rebuking tone, and asked, 'What did I tell you to say?'

I said, 'Oh, that's right. I had forgotten.'

And as I stood to my feet to face him and the shot gun, I said, 'Now that you have threatened my life, I have grounds for your arrest!'

He shook his head, then pointed the gun down, started crying, and handed the gun to his son.

He said, 'I'm sorry, I didn't know what I was doing!'

What a wonderfull Father God. Make sure you belong to Him." (From Bro. Winters, Louisiana, USA).


Your thoughts is louder in heaven than your voices on earth, for He is a discerner of the thoughts of the mind.

"I was coming home from work thinking about a relative, how he had been saying he was going to shoot himself or maybe somebody.

I thought, 'This has been going on for years. He must be reprobate. I give up on him!' (Sorry, to my shame.)

The Lord interupted me in my thinking, and said in a rebuke, 'Don't you think I can change that?'

It scared me, and I said, 'Sorry, Lord, I know you can.'

I hadn't been over to this one's house in years, because of some trouble we'd had. He told me never to come to his house. But this one day I was listening to a tape of the prophet, and started desiring that this one would hear this tape with me.

A little while later, my wife went to Thanksgiving Dinner with them, and he asked, 'Where's Dolph going to eat?'

My wife said, 'Oh, it will be all right. I'll take him a plate.'

He said, 'He can come over. It will be all right.'

My wife called me on the phone, and told me it'd be all right to come on over. I was a little touchy about that, but I went on over. We talked a while and then I asked him if he would like to listen to a tape of Bro. Branham? He said that he'd like that, and he listened to the tape with me. (His wonders to perform)."

(From Bro. Dolph Winters, Louisiana, USA).


"I had worked late to finish my job. On the way home, I went by to pay my land payment.

In the house, the landlord's wife was praying when a voice told her, 'There is a man here that can help you.'

She came into the room to see who it was. She told me she had broke her toe, and it would not heal up. She asked me to pray for her. I told her that my family and I would pray for her when I got home.

I don't know why I didn't pray for her right then, but on the way home (about two miles away) I started praying for her; rather, the Holy Spirit was praying (in my thinking) this, 'Lord would you heal this sister's toe, for the glory of the Bride, I ask in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.'

I wondered why I would pray this way? This is why I think it was the Spirit of God praying. Later, I even forgot to have my family pray for her.

The next morning, we were awakened by a loud noise out front. We looked out to see Bert, my landlord, and his wife, shouting and jumping up and down and praising God and saying, 'You all prayed and I am healed.'

Later, I thought, 'This is amazing. Could this really be to the glory of the Bride as in the Third Pull? I believe it was.'" (From Bro. Winters, Homer, Louisiana USA).


"I was out in the yard, loading my station wagon with heavy materials, sand, and bags of cement, when I wrenched my back. I heard it pop, in my vertebra.

I limped on into the house. I asked Georgia, my wife, to pray for me, because my faith was low, and my back was really hurting!

We went to praying, and in a little while Georgia said, 'If you run around the house, I believe you'll be healed!'

I said, 'Run around the house? I can hardly walk. You must be getting back at me for something.' (Shame on me!)

A voice said, 'That's not her, that's the Lord!'

Oh, my, I not only felt sorry, I was sorry. I got up and got out side and started running, weakly, around the house.

A thought came to me, 'Somebody will see you running and think you are crazy.'

But, I kept on. As I got to the back, it really hurt.

I stopped and thought, 'I can't make it,' and called for Georgia to come help me.

The Lord said, 'She can't help you, but you know who can!'

Then it was as if a bucket of warm water was poured on me. Then I saw myself running around healed! So I started running again and in just several steps, I was healed!

I love to tell about these healings, but not very many believe. Bro. Branham said when we testify, it is the same as worship!" (From Bro. Dolph and Georgia Winters, Louisiana, USA).




Jesus said in Matthew 6:25, "Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not life more than meet, and the body than raiment?"

"It was the first day of the communal riots in Bombay, India. I have never seen so much violence and destruction of property in my life. I was returning from work to my room where I was staying. It was situated in a volatile and turbulent area. I did not know that a curfew was clamped on the city, and that the armed police had, 'shoot-at-sight' orders on anyone found loitering.

There was no food in my room and I was very hungry. Every place was closed. The streets were deserted. I wanted to go to a particular restaurant a few miles from my place. I asked the Lord to keep that place opened.

As I walked through the streets, the roads were littered with glass from the shattered windscreens of cars. Some buses were burning, and a bus depot was burning too.

It was late at night, as I neared the restaurant. I found it was closed. The shutters were all pulled down and locked.

I heard a voice of a person in the dark alley asking me, 'What do you want?' I told him, 'Food.' He said, 'Follow me.'

He took me through the dark alley to the rear portion of the restaurant, which was kept open. I had a stupendous meal!

As I walked back to my room, miles away, I saw armed policemen, but I feel God blinded their eyes, and nobody even stopped to question me. I reached home safely." (From Brother, Sujendra Premaka, India).


I was driving home from my job, and the sun was nearly setting. I came upon a Moma Quail Bird and about eight babies, two inches tall. I pulled over, hoping I could catch some.

As I looked for them, the mother was doing all kinds of things to distract me. She'd fly at me, and then act crippled (poor thing, a real Moma).

I tried to find the babies, but they seemed to disappear. I couldn't believe my eyes, so I got down real close to the ground, low in the grass and the leaves. As I looked real close, they were squatting down real flat and looked like or blended with the leaves. It's amazing!

Then the Lord said, "Don't take them."

But, I wanted them so bad, (I'm ashamed).

I said, "I just want two or three."

I took three, little bitty things, couldn't even fly. I took them home and put them in a little pen, by my three baby turkeys. But when I came home the next evening, they were all dead, quails and turkeys. Boy, disobedience is bad!

About a month later, I went back to this job to do a little something, and on the way home, there was the sun, same position, about 1/2 hour before setting. Was I shocked! As I came to the same spot, there was the Moma Quail and her five babies. They were nearly the same size as her. I felt like I'd gotten another whipping that I needed! (From Bro. Winters, Louisiana, USA).



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I think no church in its practice, no matter how intellectual and fundamental it might be, that church cannot thrive until the supernatural is made known among that people, and they see it, something that they can talk to that'll talk back to them that a-vindicates this written Word.


"I was burning trash in a hole I'd dug, near a deformed tree that was shaped like a chair. I could sit on it and I liked it a lot. The tree had grown out nearer to the hole than I had noticed, until I'd started the fire.

Then I felt bad and said, 'Lord, I'm sorry for burning that nice tree, the edges'. (The Prophet said that as soon as you feel bad, God forgives you).

Something started saying, 'The earth [is] the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.' (Not knowing at the time, that this was Psalms 24:1).

I started realizing the Lord was talking to me, and then He said, 'I'm going to show you how to have faith!'

As I wondered at this, I continued to gather up this old rotten wood to put in the fire. I pushed the wheel barrel near the hole to dump it.

I thought, 'I'd better not make it worse!'

He said, 'Where is your faith? Dump it!' So I did.

Now, at this time, there was no wind, the fire went straight up and was catching the edge of the tree.

Then He asked, 'Which way do you want the wind to blow the fire?'

I thought, "Toward the back of my neighbor's house, and I pointed.' (See, this still small voice talks to your mind).

Then He asked, 'Which way would it have to come from?'

I looked this other way, at some high trees off in the distance.

He said, 'Look again!' I did, still no movement, no wind.

Just then, something was laughing, down low to the ground, it asked, 'You don't believe that, do you?' (a demon, I believe).

I thought, 'Yes I do. God can do anything!'

So, then, I started getting more scrap wood, and was on my knees loading up and I heard a whirling, buzzing sound. I looked over about 20 feet away and there was a three foot high whirlwind churning. As I looked at it, it came at me, brushed my head, as it turned and went into the fire! This made the wind blow in the direction I had pointed.

I thought, 'Lord, why would you do such an odd thing?' (Now this sounds strange).

Just then, it seemed, He almost materialized right there, standing on my left side, about two feet off the ground.

He said, 'In My Word it says, without faith it is impossible to please me.'

I said, 'Yes, I've read that, but why?'

He said, 'This is the way I want my people to have faith every day!'

Like I said, I could barely see something, as He moved on up and away. What a reality we have, that a mighty Creator would come and talk to us.' (From Bro. Winters, Louisiana, USA)



I was doing some tile work, and the plumber on the job, was a young man that I knew from church a few years back. I got to talking to him about the Lord and saying how we should stay close to the Lord and live right.

I knew his mom had brought him to church as a little boy. He said, "I know I'm not doing right, preacher. Just leave me alone."

I said, "I'm not a preacher. I'm just trying to help you, and say that we all need to stay close to the Lord!"

The next night, he was in that, 'beer bar' with another 'Pentecostal' young man, who had gone to the same church. They were drinking and had their guns and holsters on, just to show off.

I guess this sounds like the old West. They had a 'quick draw,' to see which one was the fastest. That was right in the bar room. The 'plumber boy,' I had talked to, got shot in the stomach.

The hospital was less than than a block away, but for some reason, the young man, put him in his truck, and drove him to Dade City, about 20 miles away. And on the way to Dade City, the 'plumber boy' died.

Such a shame, both lives ruined. "The devil goes about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. "Young people and old alike, what manner of people ought we to be? Our days are numbered, for the last call! (By Bro. Winters, Louisiana, USA)


There were 12 babies died in my family before I was born, then I was dying, until they found my mother's milk was bad. Then the doctor put me on Eagle Brand Milk and I got fat. I always thought that there was only ten in our family, 'till my cousin went in the Air Force C.I.A.- Counter Intelligence Agency.

They asked him why he had put the wrong amount of children down on the form (for our family). He thought it was ten too. They said, "No, it was twenty two." He didn't know. I didn't know either.

Thank the Lord. It's so good to be here, and especially to know HIM! (From Bro. Winters, Louisiana, USA).


My relative and I went to a Christian Meeting in North Carolina. I had been there before and we'd pitched our tent in this park. But this time the park was closed. So we hunted all around, and asked people where we could pitch our tent, for a few nights? We looked to no avail.

I was driving along praying, not knowing what to do. Then the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, "It's already taken care of!"

I stopped my car and told my buddy, the Lord said, "It's already taken care of."

So, we went to the church service that night, and after service, we went outside and watched everybody leaving. I began to wonder?

As he was about to leave, the the Pastor of the church asked us, "Have you got a place to stay?"

I said, "Not yet. The park where we usually stay at, is closed."

He said, "If you want to, put the tents by the church and use the church rest rooms!" Praise be the name of the Lord! God is a way maker! (By Bro. Winters, Louisiana, USA).


I was loading up my tools, after work on this new house, when the Lord said, "Go back in and talk to him!" He was a young man, the builder's brother -in law.

I went in and was talking to him, then we walked outside to the front. I said, "Your dad's a minister (Jesus Only) and you know to do right. You ought to live for God!"

Tears started running down his face. But then a neighbor walked up and started talking to him. He had a foul mouth, and was running down the black people. It was awful! The young man shocked me, by joining in with the neighbor, and said, "That's the reason I carry a gun."

I thought, "Lord, would you make this neighbor go away?" The Lord sent the neighbor away.

Then I told the young man the thought that came to me when he said that he carried a gun. The thought was what the Bible says, "He who lives by the sword, shall die by the sword!" Then I told him that the Lord showed me that I was to talk to him.

That was the last time I saw him. He went back to West Virginia. A few weeks later, I was back working on another house, when the builder came to me crying.

I asked, "What's the matter, Don?"

He asked, "Dolph, you know my brother-in law?"

I said, "Yes."

He said, "He has just been shot and killed. Some one took his own gun away from him, and shot him!" (We should live soberly).

(By Bro. Dolph Winters, Louisiana, USA).


When I was in the Navy, I was stationed on an island in the Pacific. While diving and spear fishing around the end of the island, the tide came in very quickly and caught the group I was with off guard. The tide made it very hard to swim against the strong current.

I looked down at the bottom, (very clear water), and could see I was losing ground and was being washed out into the Lagoon. The Lagoon had very deep water with sharks around. I felt as little panic and was being left behind by the group. They had to move quickly to save themselves!

Being a sinner at that time, I'm thankful for God's mercy and predestination. But, a voice spoke to me (the second time in my life), and said, "Swim parallel to the shore."

This I did, at a slight angle, and it made it a lot easier, and I was saved from being swept into the deep. (By Bro. Winters, Louisiana, USA).

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