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From Ghana, West Africa. "Actually the Quotes Books you send us, are helping us a lot in our Christian life. You see, life without 'Christ' is life full of crises. As God liveth, and your soul liveth, I will not stop praying for you, to ask the Lord for His strength, both Spiritual and physical, to continue your wonderful works."

"I will also try to do the photocopy of the Bible Reading Guide to distribute to others, and will also tell them to make also some copies and to distribute so that every member in the church will have at least one of the Bible Reading Guides." (Bro. Asamoah Kwadwo-Ghana, West Africa).

From Sierra Leone, West Africa. "Eternity alone knows what amount of blessing those Quote Books are to the Bride of Christ."

(Simon Peter Sesay, an Apostle, working among the refugees in Ghana, West Africa, at this time.)


Another testimony from Ghana, West Africa. "In fact, there is no doubt about that your name is in the Book of Life. Amen."

"Today, a lot of souls you have won through your Message, like me in particular, that is writing this letter."

"I am very much proud that I don't fear of any evil or enemy at all. I can go out now and preach to win souls. In fact before I was fearing of the people, but when I read one of your Books that 'Anybody who wants to work for God should not be coward'...In fact, the little Spoken Words given to me has been given to some people-I won their soul." (From Joseph Akins, Ghana, West Africa).

Testimony from Wisconsin, U.S.A. "I've had Diabetes for 16 years. The past five years, I've had cateracts on both eyes removed by lazer. Then the blood vessels busted, so they had to be lazered too. Then a growth grew behind my eyes and they were lazered too. Everything happened to both eyes at the same time."

"A momnth ago, there was a visiting Missionary, originally from Trinadad, and he asked for a prayer line. When he came to me, he said a wonderful prayer, that I felt was for my eyes. I had lost the vision in the center of my eyes, and the doctor said that he couldn't do anything more for me."

"After the prayer, I felt a little different, and the next day, I could see very well. The next week, I had my eyes checked by my eye doctor, and he was very happy to see the difference."

"All I need now are glasses for reading small print. I thank God for healing. I believe He can do anything! I am 75 years old and very happy to, get my sight back." (From Lillian Wisnowski, Wisconsin U.S.A.)

From a brother in Australia,


"About ten years ago, when I was a believer in the infancy stage (not yet in the Message), I was cycling to a house fellowship on a Saturday evening. I was also an addicted Chess player at that time.

As I neared the place where I was supposed, to fellowship, I thought, I haven't had a shave and also my shirt is a bit old, so I'll skip the fellowship and go to the Chess Club to play chess. I headed in the direction of the Chess Club.

I was cycling in a dark deserted road when I heard a voice clearly speak in my right ear, 'Turn around and go back!'

I almost fell off my cycle! I looked all around. There was not a soul in sight! It was a voice you simply could not disobey!

I turned my cycle around immediately and rushed to the direction of the fellowship. I was excited and my heart was pumping hard. My addiction to Chess was also taken out then. I knew it was the voice of the Lord!

In my heart, I was secretly happy that He was a God who cared. I did not share this experience with the others in the fellowship, because nobody would have believed me." (By Bro. Sujendra Premaka, Australia).

From Zambia, Central Africa,

"Bro. Paul, I really appreciate very much for the work and your ministry which the Lord God has put in you. It has been a great help in my ministry. Ever since I began communicating with you, there has been a tremendous change and spiritual growth. Thus, I always don't forget to remember you in my prayers. God richly bless you." (Bro. Gershom Chikungu, Zambia, Central Africa).

From Sierra Leone, W.Africa,

"Please be informed that I have received the Quotes Books and the song tape you sent me. Oh, brother, as I always says that your Quotes Books really inspire. And this I want to share as a testimony to you that I always received you Quotes Books the right time. Most times I received you Quotes Books just after I preached about sermons like that or at times I received them just when I am preparing to preach about that. So I really love and appreciate your Quotes Books. To me, they are confirmation that indeed God lives and real and speaks and teach and leads and guide. May the Lord continue to keep you strong and healthy for this service, and He continue to anoint you the more and to be sending the right Quotes Books at the right times." (Bro. Michael Nyuna, Sierra Leone, W. Africa).

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